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GP Ansor Bubarkan Pengajian Ustaz Syafiq Riza Basalamah di Surabaya, Berakhir Ricuh

GP Ansor Disbands Ustaz Syafiq Riza Basalamah's Study Group in Surabaya, Ends Chaotically

Dream - Lecture by Ustaz Riza Syafiq Hasan Basalamah at Assalam Mosque, Purimas Gunung Anyar Surabaya, forcibly disbanded by GP Ansor, Thursday night, February 22, 2024. The video of the disbandment went viral on social media, one of which was uploaded by the account X @neveralonely. In the circulated video, a disturbance can be seen occurring at a location, allegedly Assalam Mosque in Purimas Gunung Anyar, Surabaya. Several individuals wearing clothing with the word Banser were seen in conflict with a group of congregants.

GP Ansor Disbands Ustaz Syafiq Riza Basalamah's Religious Study in Surabaya, Ends in Chaos

There was a pushing incident. "The Tabliq Akbar event by Ust. Dr. Syafiq Riza Basalamah was disbanded by Banser members at one of the mosques in Gunung Anyar, Surabaya ... Thursday, 22.02.24," according to the video description.

The Chairman of GP Ansor Gunung Anyar, M. Asyiqun Nahdli S. Ars, confirms the incident of the clash. He conveyed that Ansor did indeed object to the grand tabligh event at Assalam Purimas Mosque.

GP Ansor Disbands Ustaz Syafiq Riza Basalamah's Religious Study in Surabaya, Ends in Chaos

Have Made an Agreement

According to him, there had been previous rejection from the local community through a letter of statement with signatures attached. Even mediation had been carried out by the police station and sub-district before. "But they violated our agreement. So, this is not the dissolution of religious study, you know," said Nahdli, Friday, February 23, 2024, quoted from


"Points of Agreement"

Nahdli mentioned that in the previous meeting there were 3 attached points that have been agreed upon. Among them, Yayasan and Masjid As Salam Surabaya agreed to remove Ustaz Riza Syafiq Hasan Basalamah as a speaker with the consideration of maintaining a conducive atmosphere in the Gunung Anyar area.


Secondly, activities will still be carried out with the guidance of performing congregational prayers. Thirdly, Ansor and Banser will remain committed to accompanying the foundation and the mosque's takmir in order to carry out religious activities in accordance with the principles of Islam as a mercy to all beings.

GP Ansor Disbands Ustaz Syafiq Riza Basalamah's Religious Study in Surabaya, Ends in Chaos

"He conveyed that the PAC GP Ansor and Banser Gunung Anyar rejected the arrival of Ustaz Riza Syafiq Hasan Basalamah because they suspected he originated from the group Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), an organization that has been dissolved by the government."

"We (PAC GP Ansor Kecamatan Gunung Anyar) object to the grand tablig event at Assalam Purimas Mosque in Surabaya City. Ustadz Riza Syafiq Hasan Basalamah is suspected of being radical, while the Gunung Anyar area is a hub of pesantren (Islamic boarding school) and a storehouse of scholars with Nahdliyin character."

The translation of "kata Nahdli" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "word Nahdli."


"Surely it will bring about conflicts and disturbances in society, therefore we need to reject it early on as it can disrupt harmony in the Mount Anyar area,"
Nahdli. Translated: Nahdli.


GP Ansor Disbands Ustaz Syafiq Riza Basalamah's Religious Study in Surabaya, Ends in Chaos

According to him, Ansor and Banser do not question his figure, but his principles in preaching because they are considered to judge other groups. "His lecture contradicts the Aswaja embraced by the Gunung Anyar district community," he said.

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