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Guyon Waton dan NDX A.K.A. Batal Tampil, Penonton Konser di Tangerang Ngamuk hingga Bakar Panggung

"Guyon Waton and NDX A.K.A. Cancel Performance, Concert Audience in Tangerang Goes Wild and Sets the Stage on Fire"

Dream - The music concert event Lentera Festival in Tangerang Regency, Banten, on Sunday night, June 23, 2024, ended in chaos. The audience went berserk and burned the sound system and stage because the artists did not perform. This incident occurred because the bands Guyon Waton and NDX AKA canceled their performances, causing the concert to fail to take place. However, the audience had already paid for tickets and attended the location.

Finally, hundreds of disappointed spectators vented their anger by burning and vandalizing the stage. Imah, one of the concertgoers, said that the commotion began when there was information that the concert was canceled because the committee did not pay some of the artists who were supposed to perform tonight.

Guyon Waton and NDX A.K.A. Cancel Performance, Concert Audience in Tangerang Goes Wild and Sets the Stage on Fire

"From the beginning, there were signs that the concert would not happen. Many spectators have gone wild, breaking through the fence and setting the stage on fire," he said.

Other spectators, Husni was also disappointed with the cancellation of the Lantern Festival because he had already paid for the ticket online with a ticket price of Rp135 thousand per person. However, when he arrived at the event location, it did not take place. "I'm really disappointed that the event didn't happen. According to the committee's notification, the artists were only paid a down payment, and we don't know about the rest. So they didn't perform," said Husni.

Guyon Waton and NDX A.K.A. Cancel Performance, Concert Audience in Tangerang Goes Wild and Sets the Stage on Fire

Kapolsek Pasarkemis AKP Ucu Nuryandi explained that the failure of this concert was caused by the committee who did not pay the guest stars. Even though the audience had already paid an entrance ticket of Rp115 thousand. As a result, the guest stars, namely Feel Koplo, NDX A.K.A., and Guyon Waton, could not entertain the audience. "Indeed, because the music event was unilaterally canceled by the committee. That's why many audience members were disappointed," said Ucu, as quoted from, Monday, June 24, 2024.

Around 19.00 WIB, the audience began to fill the stage area and eagerly awaited their idol's performance. However, after waiting for a while, the concert still did not start. When the audience started questioning the guest star, the committee members fled. Not a single committee member dared to go up on stage to explain what actually happened.

Guyon Waton and NDX A.K.A. Cancel Performance, Concert Audience in Tangerang Goes Wild and Sets the Stage on Fire

"In the event, there was no one on stage, the committee did not dare to show themselves during its implementation," said Ucu.

"There is no certainty from the committee that made the audience angry to the point of setting the stage on fire. Not only the stage, the sound system was also consumed by the fire when the riot occurred. 'At 20.30 WIB, the situation was already under control and conducive because the audience dispersed. Indeed, some facilities were burned, including the sound system,' he explained. Ucu emphasized that the committee must take responsibility for the unrest that occurred."

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