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Momen Akrab Istri Anies dan Puan Maharani Ngobrol dan Foto Bareng di Sela Debat Capres, Sinyal Koalisi?

Intimate Moment of Anies' Wife and Puan Maharani Chatting and Taking Photos Together in the Midst of Presidential Debate, a Coalition Signal?

Dream - The wife of presidential candidate (capres) number 1 Anies Baswedan, Fery Farhati, was seen shaking hands with the Chairman of the PDIP Central Executive Board, Puan Maharani, during the last Presidential Debate on Sunday, February 4, 2024. Not only did they shake hands, but they also had a playful interaction and light conversation. They were also seen taking a photo together after the handshake. The friendly moment between these two figures from different pairs certainly caught the attention of the audience at the last Presidential Election debate in 2024.

Intimate Moment of Anies' Wife and Puan Maharani Chatting and Taking Photos Together During Presidential Debate, Coalition Signal?

When asked about the message conveyed, Puan said that the democratic party should proceed honestly, fairly, and peacefully. Puan also requested all parties to remain neutral and leave the choice to the people in the 2024 General Election.

"Stay healthy, take care of your health, and let's carry out this democracy party with honesty, fairness, goodness, peace, unity, and of course, everyone must remain neutral in supporting the people's choice."

Dear Madam, when interviewed after the debate, at JCC, Senayan, Jakarta, on Sunday, February 4, 2024, quoted from


"Optimistis Ganjar Menang" translates to "Optimistic Ganjar Wins" in English.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Anak dari Megawati Soekarnoputri itu juga optimistis pasangan calon nomor urut 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD yang diusung partainya akan menang di Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2024.Insyallah optimis, biarkan masyarakat yang menilai, biarkan rakyat yang memilih pemimpin yang memang diharapkan untuk menjadi pemimpin yang akan datang," ujar Puan." "The child of Megawati Soekarnoputri is also optimistic that the candidate pair number 3 Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, supported by her party, will win in the Presidential Election (Pilpres) 2024. Insyallah (God willing), let the people judge, let the people choose the leader who is truly expected to become the leader of the future," said Puan."

Intimate Moment of Anies' Wife and Puan Maharani Chatting and Taking Photos Together During Presidential Debate, Coalition Signal?

As information, the warm moment during the final debate of the 2024 Presidential Election can also be seen in the closing session where each candidate hugged after delivering their closing statements.

The three candidates then shook hands and stood side by side with members of the General Election Commission (KPU) on the stage to solemnly sing the song 'Bagimu Negeri' (For You, Nation).

Intimate Moment of Anies' Wife and Puan Maharani Chatting and Taking Photos Together During Presidential Debate, Coalition Signal?
Intimate Moment of Anies' Wife and Puan Maharani Chatting and Taking Photos Together During Presidential Debate, Coalition Signal?

After finishing singing again, they held hands together and raised their hands as high as possible.

"Final Debate of the Presidential Election 2024"

The fifth debate is the final debate before the voting for the 2024 General Election on February 14th. The General Election Commission (KPU) will hold the final debate of the 2024 Presidential Election at the Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, Central Jakarta, on Sunday, February 4th, 2021 at 19:00 WIB.


The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Fifth Presidential Debate Theme 2024"

In this debate, presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan, number 2 Prabowo Subianto, and number 3 Ganjar Pranowo exchanged ideas and answered questions. The topics to be discussed include Social Welfare, Culture, Education, Information Technology, Health, Employment, Human Resources, and Inclusion.

Prabowo's Apology to Anies and Ganjar at the End of the Debate, Gibran Bows His Head

Prabowo's Apology to Anies and Ganjar at the End of the Debate, Gibran Bows His Head

Gibran Rakabuming also bows his head and joins his hands as a symbol of apology.

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Warm Moment of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates Hugging After the Last Debate of the 2024 Presidential Election

Warm Moment of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates Hugging After the Last Debate of the 2024 Presidential Election

The candidates seem to want to show that politics should not cause division.

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Chairman of KPU Proven to Violate Code of Ethics for Accepting Gibran's Candidacy

Chairman of KPU Proven to Violate Code of Ethics for Accepting Gibran's Candidacy

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