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"Formerly a Beggar to School to Hobby of Learning and Sleeping in Chinese Graveyards, Who Would Have Thought Now Becomes a Vice Presidential Candidate"

Dulu Nyeker ke Sekolah hingga Hobi Belajar dan Tidur di Kuburan Cina, Siapa Sangka Kini Jadi Cawapres

Dream - In the year of politics and approaching the upcoming elections in April, the political situation is colored by various hoaxes and hate speech. Therefore, it is advisable for the public to filter information about the chosen presidential and vice-presidential candidates to avoid being deceived by hoaxes. In fact, it wouldn't hurt to explore the background of the candidates to avoid making the wrong choice.

Dulu Nyeker ke Sekolah hingga Hobi Belajar dan Tidur di Kuburan Cina, Siapa Sangka Kini Jadi Cawapres

Speaking of presidential and vice presidential candidates, did you know that this particular vice presidential candidate used to have a hobby of studying and sleeping in Chinese cemeteries?

"This is the figure."

The figure of the vice presidential candidate who likes to study and sleep in the Chinese cemetery is Mahfud MD. He was nominated as the vice presidential candidate running alongside Ganjar Pranowo from PDIP and their coalition. Currently, Mahfud is also active as the Minister of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs.

"Childhood Religious and Independent"

Mahfud was born on May 13, 1957 in Omben, Madura and grew up in Pamekasan, East Java. He spent his childhood studying. When he was young, Mahfud pursued education in two places, namely public school and pesantren (Islamic boarding school). As the Minister of Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, he studied general knowledge at the public school during the day and religious knowledge at the pesantren at night. It's no wonder that at the age of 7, Mahfud was already able to recite the Quran because he spent a lot of time in the mosque. In fact, at the age of 9, he became independent and lived far away from his parents by staying at the pesantren.

Although busy studying, Mahfud does not feel pressured because he enjoys it. He can also divide his time between studying and playing. The 66-year-old man used to gather with his friends from the village in the mosque. Usually, they would sleep together and wake up in the morning to pray Fajr in congregation.

Dulu Nyeker ke Sekolah hingga Hobi Belajar dan Tidur di Kuburan Cina, Siapa Sangka Kini Jadi Cawapres

Mahfud is also included as a favorite student in the boarding school. While other students have to cook their own meals, he is always invited to eat at his teacher's house. Mahfud's presence in the boarding school is inseparable from his parents. This is because his parents want Mahfud to become a religious teacher.

Dulu Nyeker ke Sekolah hingga Hobi Belajar dan Tidur di Kuburan Cina, Siapa Sangka Kini Jadi Cawapres
<span>Ever Been Naughty When Little</span>

Ever Been Naughty When Little

Although his childhood life was religious, Mahfud turned out to be naughty too, you know. He violated the prohibition of the Madurese community that does not allow its people to play music and read comics.

Dulu Nyeker ke Sekolah hingga Hobi Belajar dan Tidur di Kuburan Cina, Siapa Sangka Kini Jadi Cawapres

The community in the area where he lived at the time considered these things to be devil's play. However, Mahfud disregarded the community's prohibition and secretly hid himself to learn music such as flute, gamelan, and even to engage in the art of ketoprak.

Kesulitan Masa Sekolah<br>

"Difficulty During School Time"

Who would have thought that Mahfud had once walked barefoot to school because his shoes were broken. When he wanted to buy a book, Mahfud's parents had to sell jewelry so that their child could study easily.

Belajar dan Tidur di Kuburan Cina<br>

"Learning and Sleeping in a Chinese Cemetery"

When studying in Jogja, Mahfud lived in a simple boarding house with a cement floor. However, he preferred to study outside rather than in the boarding house. His favorite place to study was the Chinese cemetery. After coming home from school, Mahfud would have lunch and then continue to study at the Chinese cemetery.

For Mahfud, studying in a Chinese cemetery is very comfortable because it is luxurious, there is no need to pay for electricity, and it is clean. In fact, he often sleeps in the Chinese cemetery rather than his own boarding house.

Dulu Nyeker ke Sekolah hingga Hobi Belajar dan Tidur di Kuburan Cina, Siapa Sangka Kini Jadi Cawapres

The translated text while preserving the HTML tags is: "Story of Childhood, Mahfud MD Prefers Sleeping in Chinese Graves\u00a0"

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