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Still Like to Miss Prayer? This is the Worldly and Hereafter Response that Allah SWT will Give

Still Like to Miss Prayer? This is the Worldly and Hereafter Response that Allah SWT will Give

Praying five times a day is obligatory for every Muslim who has reached puberty.

Masih Suka Meninggalkan Sholat? Ini Balasan Dunia dan Akhirat yang akan Diberikan Allah SWT

"Dream - Fard prayer is a mandatory worship that must be performed by every adult Muslim. Because it is obligatory, when it is neglected, there is certainly a sin that must be borne."

Masih Suka Meninggalkan Sholat? Ini Balasan Dunia dan Akhirat yang akan Diberikan Allah SWT

Rasulullah saw said, "Whoever underestimates prayer (takes it lightly), then Allah will punish them with fifteen types of punishment, six punishments in this world, three punishments when approaching death, three punishments in the grave, and three punishments when leaving the grave. (Al-Qurthubi in Rurratul 'uyun) Through the above hadith, it can be clearly understood that the five daily prayers should not be abandoned by Muslims. Allah SWT has also threatened with punishment anyone who abandons the obligatory prayers. Of course, those punishments are very severe."

The following is the response that Allah SWT will give in the world and the hereafter to those who abandon the obligatory prayers as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Masih Suka Meninggalkan Sholat? Ini Balasan Dunia dan Akhirat yang akan Diberikan Allah SWT
Perintah Sholat dalam Al-Quran

"The Commandments of Prayer in the Al-Quran"

"The Quran has explained about the command to perform prayer. The command is mentioned in several surahs. Among them are as follows: "

Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 43: "And establish prayer, give zakat, and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]." (Quran, Al-Baqarah: 43) Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 45: "And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]" (Quran, Al-Baqarah: 45) Surah Al-Isra Verse 78: "Establish prayer at the decline of the sun [from its meridian] until the darkness of the night and [also] the Quran of dawn. Indeed, the recitation of dawn is ever witnessed." (Quran, Al-Isra: 78)

"Reply to Leaving Prayer"

"The Muslims who abandon the obligatory prayers, then there will be a reward that Allah SWT will give, both in this world and the hereafter. Here are some of the rewards:"

"Response in the World"

When leaving the obligatory prayer, Allah SWT will give a response to that person in the world. Here are the responses: Allah SWT will remove the blessings from his life. The sign of his righteousness will be erased by Allah SWT from his forehead. All of his deeds will not be rewarded by Allah SWT. Allah SWT will not raise his prayers to the heavens. All creatures in the world will belittle him. He will not receive a share of the prayers of the righteous people.

Masih Suka Meninggalkan Sholat? Ini Balasan Dunia dan Akhirat yang akan Diberikan Allah SWT

"Reply during the Agony of Death"

The following is the translation of the text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "Sakaratul maut is the condition when the soul will slowly separate from the body. Here is the response for those who abandon prayers during sakaratul maut: Will die in a state of humiliation. Will die in a state of hunger, like someone who is in a rice barn but is hungry. Will die in a state of thirst, like someone who is in the sea but is thirsty."

Masih Suka Meninggalkan Sholat? Ini Balasan Dunia dan Akhirat yang akan Diberikan Allah SWT

"Reply when in the Graveyard"

The person who abandons the obligatory prayers will also receive retribution when they are in the grave later. Here are some of the retributions: The deceased will be sprinkled with their grave by Allah SWT and will be pressed until it reaches the rib bones. Their grave will be filled with the fire of hell. They will be visited by the snake syuja'al aqro', a snake created from the fire of hell.

Masih Suka Meninggalkan Sholat? Ini Balasan Dunia dan Akhirat yang akan Diberikan Allah SWT

"Reply during the Day of Judgment"

Even those who abandon prayer will receive retribution on the Day of Judgment. Here are some of the consequences: They will be gathered with those whose faces are dragged towards Hell. They will experience their flesh and faces melting and falling apart. Their reckoning will be burdensome.

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