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Megawati Sebut Ada Kecurangan di Pemilu 2024, Gibran: Ya Dilaporkan Saja<br>

"Megawati mentions Election Fraud in 2024, Gibran: Yes, Just Report It"

Megawati Mentions Election Fraud in 2024 Elections, Gibran: Just Report It

Dream - Mayor of Solo who is also a candidate for vice president (cawapres) Gibran Rakabuming Raka invites the public to report to relevant parties if any election fraud is found.


"Respond to Megawati"

That was conveyed in response to the statement of the General Chairman of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, Megawati Soekarnoputri, who hopes that there will be no more cheating in the upcoming elections.

"Yes, just report it to Bawaslu or whatever, for example if there is any cheating or anything like that, yes."
According to Gibran, as quoted from, Monday, 13 November 2023.


Megawati Mentions Election Fraud in 2024 Elections, Gibran: Just Report It

Mentioned about the emergence of a narrative that there are officials who instructed the installation of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka billboards in several regions, the eldest son of President Joko Widodo denied. According to Gibran, it was his volunteers who installed the billboards.

"The one who put up the Bolone is Mas e. Just ask Mas Kuat (Coordinator of Bolone Mase Kuat Hermawan). Mas Kuat never sleeps because he puts up billboards."
"ujarnya" translates to "he/she said" in English.


"Previously, regarding the anticipation of fraud in the 2024 Election, Megawati invited the public to safeguard the electoral process to prevent fraud in every stage. "Do not let electoral fraud, which has recently started to occur again, happen. Use your voting rights with guidance from your conscience," said Megawati, on Sunday, November 12, 2023. Megawati emphasized that the Election must be conducted democratically, honestly, fairly, directly, universally, freely, and secretly, without exception."

Polemik di MK<br>

"Controversy at the Constitutional Court"

"Previously, General Chairperson of PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri voiced her opinion regarding the polemic in the Constitutional Court (MK). She assessed that legal manipulation has occurred again, due to the existence of legal practices that disregard the truth."

"What has been happening in the Constitutional Court recently has made us all realize that various legal manipulations are happening again. It is all due to the practice of power that has ignored genuine truth, politics based on conscience," said Megawati in a virtual national speech on Sunday, November 12, 2023. She also expressed deep concern over what has been happening in the Constitutional Court lately. However, the decision of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) sheds light on facing legal engineering. "The decision of the MKMK is evidence that moral strength, political truth, and common sense politics still stand firm despite facing constitutional legal engineering. We are all certainly very concerned and regret why such a thing has happened," said Megawati."

"Repeatedly, I have said that the constitution is the foundation of national life that must be followed wholeheartedly," said Megawati. Furthermore, the 5th President of Indonesia asked that there be no legal engineering in the implementation of the 2024 Elections. According to Mega, the Elections should be a platform to find the best leader. "Let's make the 2024 Elections a momentum to obtain the best leader who truly represents the will of the Indonesian people, nurturing, so that Indonesia becomes a great nation, superior, and stands on its own feet. Legal engineering must not happen again," she emphasized."

Megawati Mentions Election Fraud in 2024 Elections, Gibran: Just Report It

"The law must be a tool that brings truth. The law must be a tool that realizes justice. The law must be a tool that protects the entire nation and country of Indonesia. With justice, prosperity can certainly be realized," said Megawati.

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