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Mengenal Siti Masyithoh yang Makamnya Harum Mewangi, Satu Keluarga Dibunuh Firaun dengan Keji

Getting to Know Siti Masyithoh, Whose Tomb Smells Fragrant, One Family Murdered by Pharaoh Cruelly.

Dream - There are many noble women in the past who can be role models for Muslim women today. One of the righteous women who deserves to be an exemplary figure is Siti Masyithoh. Siti Masyithoh was a servant who lived during the time of Pharaoh. She was responsible for taking care of Pharaoh's children.

Mengenal Siti Masyithoh yang Makamnya Harum Mewangi, Satu Keluarga Dibunuh Firaun dengan Keji

The story of Siti Masyithoh can be seen in a hadith from Ibn Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhu. At the time when the Prophet Muhammad SAW was performing the Isra 'Mi'raj, he smelled a very fragrant scent. Curious, the Prophet Muhammad SAW asked the angel Jibril, "What is this fragrance, O Jibril?" Jibril replied, "That fragrance is from the grave of a righteous woman named Siti Masyithoh (Mashitah) and her children."

"Servant of Pharaoh"

Siti Masyithoh is portrayed as a woman who holds firmly to her faith in Allah SWT. It can be imagined that living during the time of Pharaoh was a time when practicing religion could not be done freely. Despite knowing the threats, Siti Masyithoh and her husband remained faithful to the prophethood of Prophet Moses and believed that Allah SWT is the Lord of the Universe.

Mengenal Siti Masyithoh yang Makamnya Harum Mewangi, Satu Keluarga Dibunuh Firaun dengan Keji

When that happened, Siti Masyithoh became the servant of Siti Asiyah, the wife of Pharaoh. She was responsible for taking care of Pharaoh's children. She had a husband, the maker of the box named Hazaqil, who had once made a box to put baby Moses in and then let it float down the river.

"Believe Silently"

Siti Masyithoh and her husband believed in Allah and Prophet Musa secretly. Until later, Siti Masyithoh discovered that her husband was brutally killed by Pharaoh because he was found out to be a follower of Prophet Musa AS. Seeing her husband's tragic death made Siti Masyithoh mournful.


However, he remained patient and surrendered to Allah SWT regarding the tragedy that befell him. Then he confided in the wife of Pharaoh, Siti Asiyah. It turns out that the wife of Pharaoh also believed in Allah SWT but hid her faith.

Mengenal Siti Masyithoh yang Makamnya Harum Mewangi, Satu Keluarga Dibunuh Firaun dengan Keji

"Caught Worshiping Allah SWT"

Not long after, Siti Masyithoh was also discovered to have believed. This story began when she was combing the hair of one of Pharaoh's daughters. While combing the princess's hair, suddenly her comb fell. Reflexively, Siti Masyithoh said "bismillah" when she picked up the comb. The princess of Pharaoh was shocked and asked, "Is the statement you meant my father?" Siti Masyithoh, with firm faith, honestly answered that she had believed in Allah. "That is my Lord, and also the Lord of your father, that is Allah. Because there is no god but Allah," said Siti Masyithoh.

"Firaun Murka" translates to "Angry Pharaoh" in English.

Upon hearing the response, Pharaoh's daughter threatened to report Masyithoh's beliefs to her father. However, she was not afraid because of her firm faith in Allah. The report from the princess made Pharaoh furious. Masyithoh was immediately summoned and questioned by Pharaoh. "Is it true what my child conveyed? Who is the God that you have been worshiping all this time?" Masyithoh answered the question firmly, "There is no God but Allah, who truly rules the universe and everything in it."

"Digodok Hidup-Hidup dalam Minyak Panas" translates to "Boiled Alive in Hot Oil" in English.

Upon hearing that answer, Pharaoh became very angry. He ordered the guards to prepare hot oil in a large copper vessel. Before being boiled alive in the boiling oil, Pharaoh asked another question. If Siti Masyithoh acknowledges Pharaoh as God, then she and her two children will be saved. But if not, then their lives are in danger.

"Keteguhan Iman Masyithoh dan Kekejaman Firaun" translates to "The Steadfastness of Masyithoh's Faith and the Cruelty of Pharaoh" in English.

Apparently Siti Masyithoh's faith is unwavering. She is not afraid of Pharaoh's threats. She firmly believes that there is no God but Allah, not Pharaoh. Siti Masyithoh's steadfastness in faith has made Pharaoh feel humiliated. Because the incident was witnessed by the community.


The following is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The cruel and ferocious king ordered his guards to throw each of Siti Masyithoh's children one by one into a large jar filled with hot oil. This cruelty was witnessed by Siti Masyithoh herself, who was breastfeeding her tiny baby. Eventually, she too was thrown into the hot oil, still holding her nursing baby in her arms."

Mengenal Siti Masyithoh yang Makamnya Harum Mewangi, Satu Keluarga Dibunuh Firaun dengan Keji

"Sempat Alami Keraguan" translates to "Experienced Doubt" in English.

Actually, Siti Masyithoh was hesitant when witnessing her children being brutally killed by Pharaoh. When it was the turn of the last baby to be put into the hot copper, Masyithoh felt a great doubt. But Allah showed His power. The tiny baby suddenly spoke to Masyithoh. "Do not be afraid and doubtful, O my mother! Because our death will be rewarded by Allah Ta'ala, and the gates of heaven will be open, waiting for our arrival."

Mengenal Siti Masyithoh yang Makamnya Harum Mewangi, Satu Keluarga Dibunuh Firaun dengan Keji

In another narration, it is also mentioned that baby Masyithoh convinced her mother by saying, "Be patient, O my mother! Indeed, we are on the side of truth. O my mother! Put me in, because indeed the punishment of the world is lighter than the punishment of the hereafter." (HR. Ahmad)

The translation of the text "Keraguannya Langsung Hilang" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The doubt immediately disappears."

The tiny baby's words dispelled Siti Masyithoh's doubts. Sincerely, she recited "In the name of Allah, I trust in Allah and Allah is the greatest." Then she immersed herself in the nurturing oil with her baby.

The translation of the text

Smell the Fragrant Scent from the Jar

"Soon the hot oil destroys the body of Siti Masyithoh and her children, then a fragrant smell is detected from within the container. This serves as evidence that Allah will reward His servants who are steadfast. Before experiencing the heat of the boiling oil, Allah apparently has taken the lives of Masyithoh and her children so that they do not feel any pain."


"Kuburan yang Harum Mewangi" translates to "Fragrant Graves" in English.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Bones of Siti Masyithoh and her children emit a fragrant smell. The aroma was smelled by Prophet Muhammad during the journey of Isra' Mi'raj. "That is the grave of Siti Masyithoh with her children," said Jibril."

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