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Mengetahui Arti Tasamuh beserta Dalil dan Manfaatnya dalam Kehidupan

Knowing the Meaning of Tasamuh and its Evidence and Benefits in Life

Dream - There are many moral values that need to be applied in everyday life. Of the various moral values, tolerance is a very important aspect in facing recent phenomena. In Islam, tolerance is called tasamuh, which has been taught to mankind since the time of the prophets.

Mengetahui Arti Tasamuh beserta Dalil dan Manfaatnya dalam Kehidupan

Tasamuh is not just about tolerance, but also includes empathy, open-mindedness, and generosity. The essence of tasamuh is the ability to maintain personal convictions while remaining willing to accept others' opinions and differences.

The translation of the Bahasa text "Arti Tasamuh" to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Meaning of Tasamuh"

The meaning of tasamuh needs to be understood in order to be able to apply it in everyday life. The word tasamuh comes from the Arabic language which means tolerance. The meaning of the word tasamuh has many interpretations, it can mean understanding, open-mindedness, and generosity.

Arti Tasamuh

The translation of "Pengertian Tasamuh" from Bahasa to English while preserving any html tags is: "Understanding Tasamuh".

According to the term, the meaning of tasamuh is mutual respect and appreciation for fellow human beings. Tasamuh is a noble character in social interaction, where there is a sense of mutual respect and appreciation between one another, but still within the limits defined in Islamic teachings.


"Respecting Opinions"

Another definition states that tasamuh is an attitude of appreciating someone's stance (such as opinions, views, beliefs, habits, and behaviors) that are different and contrary to our own stance. So, in the attitude of tasamuh, there are also other attitudes such as open-mindedness, self-restraint, empathy, and not forcing one's will on others.

"Sikap Tasamuh" translates to "Tolerance" in English.

Human beings cannot live without the help of others, because humans are social creatures. This is where the importance of tolerance comes in, to create a sense of mutual respect and empathy. It is normal for differences of opinion and conflicts to arise in social life. Everyone has different characteristics and views on a particular matter. If these differences are not addressed with a tolerant attitude, it will lead to division.

Mengetahui Arti Tasamuh beserta Dalil dan Manfaatnya dalam Kehidupan

This is why tolerance is important to be applied in community life because it can help solve these problems. Tolerance is a way to solve problems with a cool head and mutual understanding, resulting in the best solution.

"Dalil Tasamuh" translates to "Tolerance Evidence" in English.

Al-Quran Surah Al-Hujurat verse 10: "The believers are indeed brothers. Therefore, reconcile between your two brothers and fear Allah, so that you may receive mercy." Hadith from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once said: "Avoid having evil assumptions, for evil assumptions are the most false speech. And do not remain silent towards each other, do not seek faults, envy one another, turn away from each other, and hate one another. And be servants of Allah who are brothers to one another." (Narrated by Bukhari)

From several of these arguments, we can take wisdom that fellow Muslims are brothers, so it is fitting to preserve the dignity of fellow brothers. Then, in order to maintain good brotherhood relations, the Prophet Muhammad prohibited his people from hating, envying, antagonizing, criticizing, and cursing each other's mistakes.

Mengetahui Arti Tasamuh beserta Dalil dan Manfaatnya dalam Kehidupan

"Tasamuh Antar Umat Beragama" translates to "Tolerance Among Religious Communities" in English.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The country of Indonesia consists of diverse ethnicities, religions, races, cultures, and languages. Such diversity certainly requires an attitude of tolerance. Tolerance also teaches humans about tolerance among religious communities. As social beings, humans must respect and help each other regardless of their backgrounds. All differences should be approached with a cool head, meaning not easily angered. With an attitude of tolerance, conflicts and hostilities among humans can be controlled."

The translation of "Fungsi Tasamuh" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Function of Tolerance".

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Rasulullah SAW said: “Whoever helps to alleviate the difficulty of a believer in this world, Allah will alleviate his difficulty on the Day of Judgment. And whoever makes it easy for someone who is facing hardship, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and in the Hereafter.” (HR. Muslim)"


Hadi above explains that tolerance essentially will return to ourselves. Because if we want to eliminate our own difficulties, then help others eliminate their difficulties. By facilitating the affairs of others, then Allah will also facilitate our affairs in the world and in the hereafter.

Mengetahui Arti Tasamuh beserta Dalil dan Manfaatnya dalam Kehidupan

The translation of the text "Fungsi Tasamuh" from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "Function of Tasamuh".

Making people have more siblings because of humble attitude and easy appreciation of other people's opinions. Matters that are faced become easier. The function of tolerance is to create a friendlier atmosphere between one person and another. The habit of respecting differences in opinions arises.


"Benefits of Tasamuh"

Strengthening unity and solidarity among fellow human beings. Developing an attitude of appreciation and respect, as well as empathy towards others. Avoiding violent and chaotic behavior. Facilitating community affairs. Enhancing one's reputation in front of others and in the presence of the Creator. Upholding religious, social, and local customs and norms. Cultivating a sense of responsibility towards the community's environment.

Example of Tolerance in Life

Accepting all differences of opinion in deliberation. Giving freedom to others to embrace their own beliefs. Respecting the worship of followers of other religions. Maintaining social interaction and behaving kindly towards others with different beliefs. Not hating and hurting others with different beliefs from ours. Not discriminating against others.


"Respecting Others Should Not Harm Faith"

Tasamuh is one of the things that makes Indonesia stand strong until now. This tasamuh attitude is important to be instilled from an early age to the younger generation, so that in the future Indonesia can continue to live in a strong foundation of tolerance. The conducive religious life in Indonesia is the result of the development of tasamuh attitude. However, it should be emphasized that the tasamuh attitude should not harm the faith.

Tasamuh is an attitude that must be applied professionally and measured. With tasamuh, one should be able to give space to others to practice their beliefs without having to be involved in justifying their beliefs. The meaning is that Muslims are obliged to believe that Islam is the only true religion. However, this belief should not be a barrier to giving space to followers of other religions to believe in their own beliefs, which they also consider to be the most correct.

Mengetahui Arti Tasamuh beserta Dalil dan Manfaatnya dalam Kehidupan

So it is important to understand, as a Muslim it is important to maintain faith by not endorsing the beliefs of other religious communities. Muslims only need to provide space for them to believe in their own beliefs. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between tolerance and legitimizing the truth.

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