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"Once Bought Shoes for Poor Students, This Teacher Cries with Emotion Receiving a House Gift 30 Years Later"

Dream - Thirty years ago, a teacher gave a pair of shoes to his poor student. Now, after decades have passed, the teacher receives a heartwarming surprise from the student. Truong Tu Dung, a graduate of Pedagogical University in 1978, started working as a middle school teacher in Ngo Xuyen City, Guangdong Province, China.

Five years later, he was appointed as the headmaster. He is always loved and respected by his students. Truong often opens free classes at his house to help students who are struggling. One of the students who caught his attention is Tran Chi Duc, an 8th grade student who always wears patched clothes.

Once Bought Shoes for Poor Students, This Teacher Cries Tears of Joy When Receiving a House Gift 30 Years Later

Although coming from a poor family, Tran Chi Duc is known for his brilliant academic achievements. One day, Tran Chi Duc suddenly did not attend class for a week.

Feeling that something was not right, Truong decided to visit his house. Tran Chi Duc's house turned out to be very simple, only containing a table and some plastic chairs. From the neighbors, Truong learned that the Tran family was very poor and unable to afford their child's education. Tran's parents decided to withdraw him from school so that he could help at home.

"Setelah bertanya tentang para tetangga, saya mengetahui bahwa keluarga Tran Chi Duc sangat miskin. Orang tuanya tidak mempunyai cukup uang untuk melanjutkan sekolahnya. Jadi ayahnya memutuskan untuk membiarkan Duc putus sekolah untuk tinggal di rumah dan membantu pekerjaan pertanian," kenang Truong, dilansir dari Truong kemudian berusaha meyakinkan orangtua siswanya itu agar mengizinkan anaknya kembali bersekolah. Dia menegaskan bahwa pendidikan adalah cara terbaik untuk mengubah hidup. Orangtua Tran akhirnya setuju."

Tran has returned to school and continues to achieve extraordinary accomplishments. After graduating from high school, he obtained the highest score in the district and was accepted into a top high school. Even though he is no longer her student, Tran Chi Duc always remembers the guidance of Ms. Truong. They still keep in touch, and Tran often contacts his teacher to share news and achievements.

Once Bought Shoes for Poor Students, This Teacher Cries Tears of Joy When Receiving a House Gift 30 Years Later

After his father passed away, Tran's family situation became even more difficult. One day, he told Truong that he didn't have any shoes to face the winter season.

Without hesitation, the teacher bought him a pair of cotton shoes worth 20 yuan, which is about Rp44 thousand, even though his salary was only 37 yuan or about Rp81 thousand per month. This gift made Tran promise himself to repay his teacher's kindness one day. After graduating and working, Tran often sends medicine to the teacher who suffers from high blood pressure.

When he found out that his teacher is now 60 years old, still living in a small wooden house near his old school. The man decided to buy a new house for him. He deliberately kept this special gift a secret from Truong. The man only gave a red-colored book which turned out to be the house certificate.

Once Bought Shoes for Poor Students, This Teacher Cries Tears of Joy When Receiving a House Gift 30 Years Later

When receiving the book and understanding its meaning, Truong cried touched. He never expected that the kindness he did in the past would be repaid in such a way. Everything that happened was truly beyond his imagination. Report: Khaira Amaliya.

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