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One Way Diterapkan di Tol Palimanan, Persiapan Arus Balik Libur Tahun Baru

"One Way Applied on Palimanan Toll, Preparations for New Year's Holiday Return Traffic"

One Way Implemented in Palimanan Toll Road, Preparation for New Year's Holiday Return Traffic

Dream - Long holiday at the end of the year is mostly spent on going out of town or returning to the hometown. The road conditions are very crowded, especially the tolls at the Jakarta border. One of them is the Palimanan toll.

One Way Implemented in Palimanan Toll Road, Preparation for New Year's Holiday Return Traffic

"To anticipate the return flow of holidays from outside the city to Jakarta, Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has prepared a number of traffic engineering measures."

It is predicted that the peak of the reverse flow will occur today, Monday, January 1, 2024, until tomorrow, Tuesday, January 2. "Certainly, there needs to be a way to act to carry out security activities at the same time when returning," said Sigit at the Metro Jaya Regional Police Headquarters in Jakarta, on Sunday night, December 31, 2023, as quoted from

One Way Implemented in Palimanan Toll Road, Preparation for New Year's Holiday Return Traffic

To traffic engineering on the Palimanan Toll Road that will be implemented one way or single direction. This step is taken to alleviate the congestion of vehicles heading towards Jakarta.

"Then earlier it was also conveyed that it is possible for us to implement one-way activities on the toll road tomorrow (today) in Palimanan. Later it will be explained directly further to anticipate in case there is a peak of return traffic that will re-enter Jakarta," said Sigit.

"Controlled Return Flow Preparation"

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Chief of Police revealed that preparations for the return traffic for the year-end holidays have been running smoothly under control. He also hopes that the congestion can be resolved and the traffic remains safe. "Specifically, everything until now has been reported to be under control, and we hope that we can maintain and secure all of this, and we can pass and enter the new year safely and smoothly," he said."

"To engineer one-way traffic, it will be implemented starting from Km 188 GT Palimanan to Km 72 GT Cikampek Utama during the New Year's return flow, followed by contraflow for traffic from Km 72 to Km 36."

One Way Implemented in Palimanan Toll Road, Preparation for New Year's Holiday Return Traffic

Meanwhile, vehicles on the opposite one-way lane can exit through several interchange gates, such as Sumber Jaya, Kertajati, Cisumdawu, Cikedung, Subang, Kalijati, Cikopo.

One Way Implemented in Palimanan Toll Road, Preparation for New Year's Holiday Return Traffic

For vehicles from Bandung heading to Cirebon via Cisumdawu Toll, they will be issued at Ujung Jaya- Majalengka- Cirebon- Palimanan 3 exit. Source:

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