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Cute Animal Sleeps 10,000 Times a Day, Each Sleep Only Lasts 4 Seconds

Cute Animal Sleeps 10,000 Times a Day, Each Sleep Only Lasts 4 Seconds

These Adorable Animals Sleep 10,000 Times a Day, Each Sleep Lasts Only 4 Seconds

Dream – Only a few animals can survive in the Antarctic region. This is because not all animals are able to adapt to the cold weather in the polar region. One of them is penguin.

However, recently researchers have revealed that there is a penguin species that has different habits from other types. In a recent study, they revealed that chinstrap penguins sleep more than 10,000 times a day with very short durations.

According to scientists studying these birds on King George Island, Antarctica, chinstrap penguins sleep for 11 hours a day.

These Adorable Animals Sleep 10,000 Times a Day, Each Sleep Lasts Only 4 Seconds
These Adorable Animals Sleep 10,000 Times a Day, Each Sleep Lasts Only 4 Seconds

The penguin spent the night only sleeping for four seconds. This unique habit of the chinstrap penguin aims to monitor their nest, protect their eggs and offspring from predators.

"Human beings cannot survive in such conditions, but penguins can. Sleep is far more complex in its diversity than what we usually read in textbooks."
"Expressed by Paul-Antoine Libourel, the main researcher from Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre, quoted from"


These Adorable Animals Sleep 10,000 Times a Day, Each Sleep Lasts Only 4 Seconds

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "That sleep pattern is not only a unique habit, but also a vital strategy for them. Although sleep is important for almost all animals, for penguins, it makes them vulnerable to predation."

"Sleep is the core of animal behavior, and is also under selective pressure. Most research on sleep has been done on rats, mice, and humans, but working on other species shows us at what point sleep is influenced by environmental changes."
ucap Libourel.



They added, the lowest risk of predation occurs around midday, where sleep activity is slightly deeper.

These Adorable Animals Sleep 10,000 Times a Day, Each Sleep Lasts Only 4 Seconds

The researchers use electroencephalogram (EEG) technology and continuous video recording to uncover these sleep patterns. Out of the 14 types of penguins that are incubating eggs, more than 2,700 pairs of penguins among the colony are 'breeding'. Usually, the chinstrap penguin parent will sit in the nest to guard the eggs in a short sleep position for several days, while the other pairs go out to find food. (Report: M Bintang Alfan Nur Fauzi)

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