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Amalan di Hari Jumat Sesuai Ajaran Rasulullah SAW, Datangkan Keberkahan dan Ampunan Allah SWT

Practice on Friday According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Brings Blessings and Forgiveness from Allah SWT

By doing those practices, we can draw ourselves closer to Him.

Dream - Friday has its own special significance for Muslims. On this day, Muslims are encouraged to perform many good deeds. In addition, it is obligatory for men to perform Friday prayers in congregation at the mosque. Therefore, when the time comes for Friday prayers, every Muslim man must stop his work and prepare to perform the prayers. In addition, there are also many acts of worship that women can do. For example, reciting dhikr, praying, and giving charity.

All righteous deeds have their own rewards, which would be a pity to miss.

Practice on Friday According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Brings Blessings and Forgiveness from Allah SWT
Practice on Friday According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Brings Blessings and Forgiveness from Allah SWT

Well, here are some recommended practices on Friday as taught by the Prophet Muhammad, as summarized by Dream through various sources.

The Specialness of Friday in Islam

Friday has a special privilege in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad once said:

Keistimewaan Hari Jumat dalam Islam

"The Friday is the most important day among your days, therefore increase your prayers to me on Friday, for your prayers will be shown to me." (HR. Abu Daud) The virtue of Friday is also mentioned in the Quran, where Allah says: "O you who have believed, when the call is made for prayer on Friday, then proceed to the remembrance of Allah and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew." (QS. Al-Jumu'ah: 9)

The recommended practices on Friday include purifying oneself, wearing clean clothes, going to the mosque to perform the Friday prayer, listening to the sermon, and sending blessings to Prophet Muhammad. The rewards for these practices are multiplied, as stated by the Prophet Muhammad: "Whoever takes a bath on Friday, then goes to the mosque, and listens to the sermon in silence without speaking, Allah will forgive his sins between that Friday and the next."

"So for him, between every step he takes (towards the mosque), there is a reward like the reward of Hajj and Umrah." (HR. Muslim) With the specialness of Friday, Muslims are taught to increase their good deeds on this honorable day."

"Etiquette on Friday that is Important to Know for Blessings"

Friday has its own virtues and special qualities in the Islamic religion.

Rasulullah saw said: "The best day on which the sun rises is Friday, on that day Adam was created, on that day he entered paradise, and on that day he was expelled from paradise." (HR Muslim) Adab on Friday is very important to be implemented by Muslims. Some recommended practices that can be done are sending blessings to Prophet Muhammad, taking a bath and wearing clean clothes, reading Surah Al-Kahf, attending the mosque to listen to the Friday sermon, and increasing supplication.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also encouraged to increase prayers on Fridays. By observing the etiquette on Fridays, Muslims can attain the blessings and virtues promised by Allah. Therefore, let us enhance our faith and piety by practicing the etiquettes taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on this noble day."

Practice on Friday According to the Teachings of the Prophet Muhammad

Friday is a very special day in Islam and there are several recommended sunnah practices to be carried out on that day according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

Amalan di Hari Jumat Sesuai Ajaran Rasulullah

One of them is Friday prayer, which is an obligation for every adult Muslim man in the city. The Prophet also encouraged to increase prayers to Him on Friday, as well as reciting the Al-Kahf surah. In addition, giving charity is also highly recommended on Friday, such as providing food for those who are fasting and giving good deeds to others.

Support from hadiths that state the importance of these practices includes hadiths narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, which say that the Prophet Muhammad once said: "Indeed, Friday is a great day. In it, there is a significant hour. There is no Muslim who stands to pray on Friday and then recites Al-Kahf, except that light will shine between the Friday prayer and (the Friday prayer) that is more (than others)."

Performing acts of worship on Friday according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad is very important because there are great virtues that can lead to the blessings and forgiveness of Allah SWT. By performing these acts of worship, we can draw closer to Him and obtain blessings and goodness in our lives.

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