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Prayer for Choosing a Good and Wise Leader, so that it is Shown Who is Capable of Bringing Benefits to the Society.

Prayer for Choosing a Good and Wise Leader, so that it is Shown Who is Capable of Bringing Benefits to the Society.

Dream - Prayer for choosing a good and wise leader is important to be known by every Muslim. Especially since the general election for the president of Indonesia will be held soon. As Indonesian citizens, of course, we want to get a wise and responsible leader or president. Just like the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad. So, in order to get the right leader, don't forget to always practice the prayer for choosing a good and wise leader.

Insya Allah, we will be guided by Allah SWT to determine the right leader for Indonesia in the next five years.

Prayer for Choosing a Good and Wise Leader, to be Shown Who is Capable of Bringing Benefits to Society
Prayer for Choosing a Good and Wise Leader, to be Shown Who is Capable of Bringing Benefits to Society

The following is a reading of prayer for choosing a good and wise leader as summarized by Dream through various sources.

What is the Concept of Leadership in Islam?

What is the Concept of Leadership in Islam?

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The concept of a leader in Islam is someone who is chosen or entrusted to lead and govern the community in a fair and responsible manner."

A leader in Islam must fulfill the criteria stated in the Al-Qur'an and hadith, such as having justice, honesty, wisdom, and courage in making decisions. In addition, a leader must also have a strong understanding of religious teachings and understand the principles of good governance. As Allah's caliph on earth, a leader must fulfill their responsibility to care for and maintain the universe and mankind according to the guidance given by Allah.

This also includes fighting oppression and crime, as well as maintaining social justice in society. An Islamic leader must also be able to provide protection and security for his people, as well as guide them towards goodness and prosperity. By understanding this concept, leaders are expected to lead wisely and responsibly, and be able to fulfill their duties as just and blessed leaders for the people.

"Leadership in the Islamic Perspective"

The Islamic perspective on efforts to produce leaders with ideal leadership character is very important in building a just and fair society.

Based on Islamic values, an ideal leader is one who has a character based on the principles of shiddiq (honesty), tabligh (conveying religious teachings well), amanah (trustworthiness), and fathanah (sharp and intelligent thinking). A leader who is based on the value of shiddiq will always be honest in leading, and always prioritize truth in every decision and action.

In addition, the value of tabligh also teaches that a leader must be able to deliver religious teachings well and correctly to the people he leads. Furthermore, the value of amanah encourages a leader to always act in accordance with the trust given to him, and to prioritize the public interest over personal interests. Lastly, an ideal leader in the Islamic perspective must also possess fathanah, which is the ability to think sharply, intelligently, and innovatively in facing every problem.

By doing so, efforts are made to produce leaders with ideal leadership character based on the values of shiddiq, tabligh, amanah, and fathanah. This is an integral part of Islamic teachings in shaping fair, wise, and capable leadership that can bring benefits to society.

Kriteria Pemimpin Ideal Menurut Rasulullah

"Criteria for an Ideal Leader According to the Prophet Muhammad"

According to Islamic teachings, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) established five criteria for an ideal leader.

First, a leader must be siddiq, which means honest and trustworthy. Second, a leader must be amanah, which means trustworthy and responsible in carrying out their duties. Third, a leader must be fathanah, which means having intelligence and wisdom in making decisions. An ideal leader should also have other qualities such as fairness and care for their people, as well as the ability to provide good solutions in solving problems.

"Rasulullah (PBUH) also taught that a leader should always uphold justice in leadership, both in terms of protecting the rights of the people and enforcing the law. By considering these criteria, Rasulullah (PBUH) has taught that a leader must possess good qualities, be responsible, and care for his people in the context of Islamic leadership."

"Prayer for Choosing a Good and Wise Leader"

"Before the election, in order to avoid choosing the wrong leader, first and foremost, we need to realize the importance of prayer in selecting a leader."

Doa Memilih Pemimpin yang Baik dan Bijak

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Prayer has the power to guide us in choosing leaders who truly care and are capable of leading with justice. Prayer also reminds us to seek guidance and wisdom from Allah SWT so that we do not make mistakes in choosing leaders. The prayer for choosing a good leader in Islam is mentioned in the following authentic hadith: Allahumma arinal haqqa haqqan warzuqna at-tiba'a wa arinal baathila baathilan warzuqna a-jtinaaba."

The translation of the given text to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Meaning: "O Allah, show us the truth as the truth and enable us to follow it. And show us falsehood as falsehood and enable us to avoid it." Another prayer to choose a good and wise leader that can be practiced is as follows: اللهم اهْدِنَا فِي اخْتِيَارِنَا، وَاصْرِفْ عَنَّا الشُّرُورَ، وَسَوِّنَا في قَرَارِنَا، فَإِنَّكَ تَهْدِي مَن تَشَاءُ إِلَى صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَقِيمٍ"

"Allahumma ihdinā fī ikhtiyārinā, waṣrif 'annā ash-shurra, wa sawwinā fī qarārinā, fa innaka tahdī man tashā'u ilā ṣirāṭin mustaqīm. Artinya: 'O Allah, guide us in our choices, keep us away from evil, and determine our decisions well, for indeed You guide whom You will to the straight path.'"

In choosing a good leader, Muslims can also seek blessings and guidance from scholars to obtain a trustworthy and committed leader for the benefit of the community. With prayers and guidance from scholars, it is hoped that Muslims can choose a leader who will bring goodness and prosperity to the community.

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