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Prayer for the Fast Completion of Thesis and Smooth Defense

Prayer for the Fast Completion of Thesis and Smooth Defense

Apart from striving to work on the thesis, one should not forget to always accompany it with prayers.

Dream - For final year students, the thesis is a task that will determine their graduation. This is the moment when students must be truly serious and focused on their final assignment because they have to conduct a series of research. As a Muslim, it is advisable to accompany efforts with prayers, specifically prayers for the quick completion of the thesis. In this prayer, it is to ask for smoothness and ease in your affairs, namely working on the thesis until the defense takes place.

Well, here is a prayer for quickly finishing a thesis and tips for working on it as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Prayer for Quick Completion of Thesis and Smooth Defense
Doa agar Diberi Kemudahan dan Kelancaran  Segala Urusan

Prayer for Ease and Smoothness in All Matters

All matters in this world can be easily resolved by Sahabat Dream with the accompaniment of prayers, including when working on a thesis. Here is a prayer for quickly completing a thesis that can be practiced.

1. Prayer Bismillah

"O Allah, by mentioning Your name, I seek ease and smoothness in all my affairs. Bismillah means 'in the name of Allah', by reciting this prayer, we ask for blessings and protection from Allah in every step we take."


2. Istighfar Prayer

"O Allah, forgive my sins and grant ease in all my affairs. Istighfar is to seek forgiveness for the sins we have committed. By seeking forgiveness, it is hoped that we can cleanse our hearts and minds, so that we can face all matters better."


3. Tahajud Prayer

Oh Allah, ease all my affairs and grant smoothness in every step I take. Tahajud prayer is a prayer recited during the last third of the night. By taking the time to worship at this time, we seek ease and smoothness in all our affairs.


4. Tawakal Prayer

"O Allah, grant me ease and smoothness in my affairs, and grant me strength to always rely on You. Tawakkul means to trust or surrender completely to Allah. With this prayer, we ask for courage and conviction to continue surrendering to Allah in facing all matters."


"Hopefully, by practicing those prayers, we can be granted ease and smoothness in all our affairs, as well as receiving blessings from Allah SWT."

Prayer for Quick Completion of Thesis and Smooth Defense
Prayer for Ease during Thesis Defense

Prayer for Ease during Thesis Defense

"Approaching the thesis defense, Dream's friends are surely filled with anxiety. Make sure not to forget prayers to be granted ease during the upcoming thesis defense."


\u0631\u064e\u0628\u0651\u0650 \u0627\u0634\u0652\u0631\u064e\u062d\u0652 \u0644\u0650\u064a \u0635\u064e\u062f\u0652\u0631\u0650\u064a \u0648\u064e\u064a\u064e\u0633\u0651\u0650\u0631\u0652 \u0644\u0650\u064a \u0623\u064e\u0645\u0652\u0631\u0650\u064a

Translation: "O my Lord, expand my chest and ease my task."

The way to practice it is by reciting this prayer sincerely and devoutly every day before starting the preparation for the thesis defense. Additionally, it is also recommended to increase acts of kindness, pray, and seek help from Allah SWT for ease and smoothness in the thesis defense.


By practicing this prayer and making a sincere effort, it is hoped that Allah SWT will provide ease and blessings in the process of the thesis defense. Hopefully, with this method, ease can be granted during the thesis defense.

"Quick Completion Tips for Thesis"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The hope of every student is to be able to finish their thesis quickly and graduate with satisfactory results. Sahabat Dream can practice several tips for quickly completing a thesis below."

Start Early and Plan Ahead: Start planning your thesis well in advance, even before entering the final semester. This will allow you to manage your time and resources effectively. Familiarize Yourself with Writing Guidelines: Make sure your Dream friend understands and complies with the specific writing guidelines provided for your thesis. Following these guidelines will help ensure that your thesis is well-structured and meets all the necessary requirements.

Stay Motivated: Motivation is the key to completing your thesis quickly. Find strong reasons or goals that will drive you to stay focused and motivated throughout the process. Don't let fear hinder your progress. Conduct Efficient Research: Make the most of your research time by being organized and efficient. Identify reliable sources and create effective notes.

Prayer for Quick Completion of Thesis and Smooth Defense

Create a Structured Schedule: Planned and structured schedule is the key to efficiently completing a thesis. Divide tasks into manageable parts and allocate time for each task. This helps to stay organized and focused. Seek Guidance from Advisor: Dream's advisor friend is there to support and guide you on your thesis journey. Make use of their expertise by regularly asking for advice and feedback. They can provide valuable insights that can help improve research and writing.

Gather the Necessary Changes: It is important to be open-minded in making changes if necessary. As Dream's friend continues their thesis, new information or perspectives may arise, requiring adjustments in your approach or even research questions. Focus on the End Goal: It is important to always remember the end goal during the thesis writing process. Remind yourself why you started this journey and the academic achievements you are striving for. With focus, you can overcome distractions and maintain a clear path to completing the thesis on time.

Prayer for Quick Completion of Thesis and Smooth Defense

Flexibility and Adaptability: When your friend Dream moves forward with their thesis, it is important to be open to making necessary changes. New information or perspectives may arise that require adjustments in your approach or even your research questions. Existing changes present opportunities for growth and improvement in your work. Seek support from your friends: Do not underestimate the power of collaboration and support from fellow students who are also struggling to complete their theses.

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