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"Prayer for the Wealth of Prophet Sulaiman and How to Practice it Correctly, God willing, It Will Become an Abundant Source of Blessings"

Dream - Prophet Sulaiman (Solomon) is one of the 25 prophet messengers of Allah SWT. He was born in Palestine and is the son of Prophet Daud (David). The righteousness and obedience of Prophet Sulaiman have been evident since he was a child. In fact, he was also a wise and intelligent figure. There are many blessings that Allah SWT bestowed upon Prophet Sulaiman. One of them is wealth that cannot be surpassed by generations of humans after him.

"Wealth certainly does not come easily. But there is effort and prayer for the wealth of Prophet Sulaiman that he always supplicated. In fact, Sahahat Dream can also practice that prayer to seek smoothness of sustenance from Allah SWT."

Prayer for the Wealth of Prophet Sulaiman and the Correct Way to Practice It, God Willing, It Will Be the Opener of Abundant Sustenance

The following is a translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The prayer of wealth of Prophet Sulaiman shows his gratitude for the blessings of Allah SWT and motivates him to continue doing righteous deeds. As a result, it leads him towards blessings and prosperity. Here is the recitation of the prayer of wealth of Prophet Sulaiman that you can practice, as compiled by Dream from various sources."

Doa Kekayaan Nabi Sulaiman

"Prayer for the Wealth of Prophet Sulaiman"

This is the prayer for wealth that Prophet Sulaiman used to practice and can also be practiced by Dream's friends to seek wealth from Allah SWT:

"O Allah, grant me the ability to express gratitude for Your blessings that You have bestowed upon me, my parents, and enable me to perform righteous deeds that please You. And admit me with Your mercy among Your righteous servants."

How to Practice the Prayer of Wealth of Prophet Sulaiman

"Dear Dream friends who practice the prayer for wealth of Prophet Sulaiman, surely you want your prayer to be answered by Allah SWT. Well, here is the procedure that you can apply:"

How to Practice the Prayer of Wealth of Prophet Sulaiman

Intend to seek halal and blessed wealth from Allah SWT. Engage in abundant remembrance and worship to Allah SWT. Such as performing the five daily prayers, performing the night prayer (tahajud), reciting the Quran, and praying with humility. Distance oneself from sinful and disobedient acts, and increase in God-consciousness (taqwa) towards Allah SWT. Strive to attain wealth through lawful and blessed means. For example, by working hard and honestly, engaging in good trade, and setting aside provisions for charity to those in need or for acts of benevolence.

Many grateful for the blessings and sustenance given by Allah SWT. And pray for blessings and prosperity in life.

Amalan Pembuka Rezeki dalam Ajaran Islam

Practices to Open Up Blessings in Islamic Teachings

Apart from practicing the prayer of wealth of Prophet Sulaiman, Dream's friends can also perform several practices to open up sustenance as taught in Islam as follows:

1. Establishing Silaturahmi

The first practice to attract sustenance is by maintaining good relations. As explained in a hadith from Abu Hurairah ra, the Prophet Muhammad pbuh said: "Whoever wants his sustenance to be expanded and his lifespan to be prolonged, let him maintain good relations." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) According to Imam Nawawi, expanding sustenance means increasing or multiplying it. Additionally, another meaning is that Allah SWT blesses one's sustenance.

2. Many Give Alms

Donating does not make someone poor. On the contrary, by donating, you can open the door to your sustenance. As explained in the words of Allah SWT in Surah Saba verse 39: "Indeed, my Lord extends provision for whom He wills of His servants and restricts [it] for him. But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] - He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers."

Prayer for the Wealth of Prophet Sulaiman and the Correct Way to Practice It, God Willing, It Will Be the Opener of Abundant Sustenance

3. Fear Allah SWT

The next practice to open the door of sustenance is by being conscious of Allah SWT. As explained in Surah Ath-Thalaq verses 2-3: "Whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out and provide for him from sources he never could have imagined. And whoever relies upon Allah, then He is sufficient for him."

4. Performing Hajj and Umrah

Running Hajj and Umrah may be considered to incur a very large cost. However, this worship can actually open the door of sustenance for you. As the Prophet Muhammad said: "Participate in Umrah along with Hajj, because both of them eliminate poverty and sins just as burning eliminates rust on iron, gold, and silver." (HR. An-Nasai, Tirmidzi, Ahmad)

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