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Prayer to Find Lost Items and Things to Do to Find Peace

Prayer to Find Lost Items and Things to Do to Find Peace

Dream - Lost items are often experienced by someone. It can be a wallet, keys, ATM card, and other items. The danger is, if the lost item is misused by someone else. When something is lost, someone will search for it first. If it is not found, then they will ask someone else. And if the item is related to personal data, the step to be taken is to report it to the authorities. In addition, Dream's friends should also seek help from Allah SWT by reciting prayers to find the lost item.

"Insha Allah, by reciting this prayer, Dream's friends will be facilitated in finding the lost item. Here is the prayer to find the lost item as compiled by Dream from various sources."

Prayer to Find Lost Items and Things to Do to Find Peace

"Prayer to Find Lost Items"

Here are some prayers to find lost items that friends of Dream can practice when your belongings are lost:

1. Prayer for Lost Items to Return Quickly

"Allahumma ya jami'an nasi liyaumin la raiba fih baini wa baina dlallati fi khairin wa 'afiyah. Translation: 'O my Lord, O Lord who gathers all people on a day without doubt in it. Unite me and my lost belongings with goodness and well-being.'"

2. Prayer for Lost Items due to Calamity

Al-ladhīna aṣābat-hum muṣībatun, qālū innā lillāhi wa innā ilaihi rājiʿūn.

3. Prayer for Losing Valuable Items

اللَّهُمَّ يَا رَبَّ الضَّالَّةِ وَيَا هَادِيًا مِنَ الضَّلَالَةِ رُدَّ ضَالَّتِي. Artinya: "Ya Allah, Tuhan dari sesuatu yang hilang, ya Tuhan yang memberikan petunjuk dari kesesatan, kembalikanlah barangku yang hilang."

Things to Do When Items Are Lost

"In Islam, there are several steps that can be taken when someone loses an item:"

Things to Do When Items Are Lost

1. Patience and Prayer

When losing something, the first attitude taught by Islam is to be patient and pray to Allah SWT. Some prayers that can be recited include: "Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" (Indeed, we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return). "O Allah, return my lost item to me if it is the best for me."


2. Expressing Alhamdulillah

Stay grateful for everything, both what is given and what is taken by Allah. The belief that everything happens according to His will can bring peace of mind.


3. Announce Loss

Announce the loss of items to people around or in places suspected to be the location of the loss. This can be done through announcements at places of worship, the surrounding environment, or social media.


4. Tracing the Steps that Have Been Taken.

Trying to remember where I last saw the item and retracing the steps taken to search for possible places where the item might have been lost.


5. Asking for Forgiveness

Seek forgiveness from Allah for all sins and mistakes, as perhaps the loss is a test or a warning from Him.

Prayer to Find Lost Items and Things to Do to Find Peace

Following the steps above is expected to help in dealing with the loss of goods in a manner that is in accordance with Islamic teachings, as well as providing peace and fortitude in facing such trials.

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