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Fakta-Fakta Ibu di Indramayu Lahirkan Bayi Kembar 5, Awalnya hanya 4 Bayi di USG

Mother in Indramayu Gives Birth to Quintuplets, Initially Only 4 Babies in Ultrasound

Facts about Mother in Indramayu Giving Birth to Quintuplets, Initially only 4 Babies in Ultrasound

Dream - A mother gave birth to quintuplets at RSUD Indramayu on Sunday, July 7, 2024. The five babies were born to Nuraeni (32) and Warsilah (39), who are residents of Bodas Village, Tukdana District, Indramayu.

Facts about Mother in Indramayu Giving Birth to Quintuplets, Initially only 4 Babies in Ultrasound

The five babies born through a cesarean section consist of 1 baby boy and 4 baby girls.

Facts about Mother in Indramayu Giving Birth to Quintuplets, Initially only 4 Babies in Ultrasound

Deden explained that the patient received a referral from the local Puskesmas to be taken to RSUD Indramayu to undergo the childbirth process.


"Initial Examination"

In the initial examination, there were three fetuses in the mother's womb. However, the number of fetuses detected became four when the gestational age reached 28 weeks.

"Until near delivery, only four fetuses were detected, one of which was not detected during ultrasound due to the position of the baby being piled up."
"ujarnya" translates to "he/she said."


They immediately proposed that Nuraeni be willing to undergo a caesarean operation. After the approval was received, the operation started at 18:30 until 19:45 WIB.

Facts about Mother in Indramayu Giving Birth to Quintuplets, Initially only 4 Babies in Ultrasound

"During birth, all five babies were born healthy. Currently, the mother and baby are in separate recovery rooms,"
"katanya." translates to "he/she said."


Because they were born with below-average weight, the medical team placed the quintuplets in an incubator in the Gincu 2 Building of Indramayu Regional General Hospital.

Facts about Mother in Indramayu Giving Birth to Quintuplets, Initially only 4 Babies in Ultrasound

"The weight does vary, and it is below the average normal. Still small, so it is still being intensively treated," said Deden. "The cost is covered by the local government, because the patient is registered as a participant of BPJS Kesehatan. We ensure that the patient and their twin babies receive the best service," he added.

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