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Dosa dan Bahaya jika Tidak Menutup Aurat di Dunia serta Akhirat, Kaum Muslim Wajib Tahu!

"Sin and Danger if One Does Not Cover Their Aurah in This World and the Hereafter, Muslims Must Know!"

The aurat for a woman is the entire body except for the face and the palms.

"Dream - Covering the 'aurat' is one of the obligations for every Muslim woman, especially those who have reached puberty. This command is clearly stated in the Quran as well as in the hadith of the Prophet. The 'aurat' for a woman is the entire body except for the face and the palms of the hands. Outside of these two areas of 'aurat', Muslim women are encouraged to wear a jilbab and clothing that complies with Islamic law. The command to cover the 'aurat' is part of Islam's effort to honor women. With the 'aurat' covered, a Muslim woman will also be protected from dangerous risks, both in her life in this world and in the hereafter."

"Well, here are the sins and dangers of not covering the aurat as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Sins and Dangers of Not Covering Aurat in This World and the Hereafter, Muslims Must Know
The translation of

The translation of "Dalil Al-Quran Menutup Aurat bagi Muslimah" to English is: "Evidence from the Quran on Covering Aurat for Muslim Women."

"The Quran has explained the command to cover the awrah for Muslim women. This command should be carried out for the good of Dream's friends in this world and the hereafter. Here are the verses."

"Surat Al-Ahzab Ayat 59"O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks over themselves." That is more suitable that they will be known and not be harmed. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (QS. Al-Ahzab: 59)Surat Al-A'raf Ayat 26"O children of Adam, indeed We have bestowed upon you clothing to conceal your private parts and as adornment."

"And the garment of righteousness—that is best. And that is part of the signs of Allah's power; perhaps they will remember." (QS. Al-A'raf: 26)

Sins and Dangers of Not Covering Aurat in This World and the Hereafter, Muslims Must Know
Hadis Menutup Aurat bagi Muslimah

The translation of "Hadis Menutup Aurat bagi Muslimah" to English is "Hadith on Covering the Aurat for Muslim Women."

"Besides the verses about aurat in the Quran, several hadith narratives also explain the encouragement to cover aurat. Here are some of the proofs."

Here is the translated text while preserving the HTML tags: "Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi: "Women are 'aurat', when they go out, they will be adorned by the devil." (HR. Tirmidhi) Hadith narrated by Bukhari: There is a story where a woman was about to go to perform the Eid prayer and did not wear a hijab, then the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) commanded, "Let her sister lend her a Jilbab.""

Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi. Ummu Salamah said: O Messenger of Allah, how should women behave with their garments that hang down? He said: They should extend it by one handspan, then she asked again: What if their legs are still exposed? He replied: “They should add one cubit, and it should not be more.”"

The translation of "Bahaya Tidak Menutup Aurat" to English is "The Danger of Not Covering Awrah."

"Besides incurring sin, not covering one's awrah also brings dangers that will be felt in this world as well as the hereafter. The following are the dangers as quoted from"

The translation of

"1. Far from Sharia and Morality"

"Exposing one's aurat can encourage lust. When it is increasingly indulged in, it has the potential to lead to more. Starting from showcasing the face, then the neck, hair, and other parts. Until eventually, the person disregards Islamic law and their morals."


"2. The Loss of Shame"

The danger of not covering one's aurah is the loss of shame. For a Muslim, it is very important to have a sense of modesty. Well, when one exposes their aurah, that sense of shame will weaken and then disappear. The loss of this sense of shame is a very significant loss for a Muslim. Because shame is a great virtue and also a part of a person's faith.

"3. Enslaved by Desire"

"Showing one's private parts can make someone enslaved by their desires. When private parts are exposed, it can lead someone to do things they have never done before. Such as undergoing treatments or providing maximum protection for their skin. This protection can take the form of special treatment services or following models or styles that are not permitted by religious law."

"Not to mention the financial aspect that can also cause expenses to balloon, leading to a consumerist lifestyle."

Sins and Dangers of Not Covering Aurat in This World and the Hereafter, Muslims Must Know

4. Busy with Her Vaginal Desires

"Exposing one's genitals can distract a person with their lustful desires. Especially in this era where it is becoming increasingly common. For example, the case of a grandfather who molested his granddaughter. This phenomenon indicates a decline in morality. Of course, this has a negative impact on the safety of society. Where the community will feel concerned about the conditions around them."

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