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Stres Hadapi Ujian Sekolah, Siswa Ini Kabur dan Hilang Seminggu Saat Badai, Endingnya Bikin Miris<br>

"Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking"

Dream - Facing exams at school is not an easy matter. It is not uncommon for students to be unable to cope with the demands of learning, resulting in them feeling pressured. It is not surprising that many cases of students feeling stressed and endangering themselves are found.

Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking
Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking

One of the cases of students endangering themselves recently occurred to a teenager from Hong Kong, Matthew Tsang. He was reported missing on Wednesday, October 4, 2023, when he left his school, Diocesan Boy's School, during the day without bringing his cellphone.

Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The news of the disappearance of the 17-year-old teenager was known from a post by his mother, Amy Chan, on Facebook. Amy uploaded a post about her son's disappearance and asked for public help in finding him."

"Father and mother love you very much and miss you. We are proud to have you as our son, come home and let's face everything together,"
write Amy, quoted from Asiaone.


The following text is in Bahasa and it will be translated to English while preserving any HTML tags: "Amy's post went viral and was discovered by the local police. The police then deployed a search team to find Tsang. Based on the police investigation, Tsang was last seen in the residential area of Hong Kong, Siu Lek Yuen heading towards Ma On Shan National Park at around 14:30 local time."

Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking

The police then coordinated with the Hong Kong Fire Department, Civil Aid Service, Civil Rescue Team, and Diocesan Boys' School alumni to locate Tsang. The search began from Tsang's last known location in Ma On Shan Country Park. The search for Tsang required significant effort. The rescue team had to face heavy rain and strong winds caused by Typhoon Koinu. Not only that, tracking dogs and drones were deployed to find Tsang. From the flown drones, 10 thousand images were obtained and analyzed using artificial intelligence or AI.

Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking

The rescue team's efforts finally paid off when Tsang was found alive after a week of being missing on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, in the bushes near the river. Unfortunately, Tsang was found naked.

Apparently, Tsang took off his clothes and took shelter in the bushes to avoid getting sick from being soaking wet due to Typhoon Koinu. The rescue team immediately provided Tsang with warm clothes and energy drinks.

Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking

"Kami memberinya pakaian hangat dan minuman energi. Setelah pemeriksaan, kami pikir yang terbaik adalah mengirim anak itu ke rumah sakit dengan helikopter,"
"Chow Cheuk Fung, as the Commander of Sha Tin Fire Station, revealed."


Amy Chan as Tsang's mother is grateful that her son has been found alive. She then wrote on Facebook to inform that her son has returned safely. "It is a miracle from God that he is still alive even though he didn't eat. He managed to survive with strong determination by only drinking river water," Amy wrote.

Stressed Facing School Exams, This Student Runs Away and Goes Missing for a Week During a Storm, the Ending is Heartbreaking

The reason Tsang disappeared is not known for certain. However, Amy explained that her son was experiencing pressure and stress regarding his academics as he will be taking the Diploma of Secondary Education (DSE) exam this year. Amy also revealed the current condition of her son through a post on her Facebook account @AmyChan. It is known that Tsang is currently in the hospital for treatment. "Matthew's physical and mental condition is stable and he is now staying in the hospital for treatment. Please do not worry, thank you all," Amy wrote.

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