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"Receive Donation of Rp3 Billion, BAZNAS Ready to Distribute Aid to Gaza"

The National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) received humanitarian assistance from Unilever Indonesia worth IDR 3 billion. This assistance will be distributed as a form of concern for the people of Gaza, Palestine.

"We welcome the assistance from Unilever Indonesia and sincerely appreciate the long-standing and continuous partnership between both parties," said Chairman of BAZNAS, Prof. KH. Noor Achmad MA.

The National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) received humanitarian assistance from Unilever Indonesia worth IDR 3 billion. This assistance will be distributed as a form of concern for the people of Gaza, Palestine.

Cooperation with the Private Sector Becomes the Key Factor.

Prof. KH. Noor Achmad MA believes that cooperation is an important factor in joint efforts to face various social challenges. The continuous involvement of the private sector can be the main pillar in the journey towards peace and justice, especially in areas experiencing conflicts.

In line with that, Nurdiana Darus, as the Director and Secretary of PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk., conveyed that donations are a form of continuous concern that is carried out in various ways in order to provide assistance to others in the humanitarian field. "This time, together with BAZNAS, we are distributing donations worth Rp. 3 billion. Certainly, our prayers will always accompany those who are affected in this extremely difficult time," said Nurdiana.

Seen by interested parties.

Humanitarian assistance was witnessed by various important figures besides the Chairman of BAZNAS, namely Prof. KH. Noor Achmad MA, the presence of the Director of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment at the Ministry of Religion, Prof. Dr. Waryono Abdul Ghafur, Independent Commissioner of Unilever Indonesia, Alissa Wahid, and the Director and Secretary of Unilever Indonesia, namely Nurdiana Darus.

Terima Donasi Rp3 Miliar, BAZNAS Siap Salurkan Bantuan ke Gaza

Based on the Decision of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 8 of 2001, BAZNAS, as the institution for collecting and distributing zakat, infaq, and sedekah (ZIS) at the national level, has been entrusted as the representation of various parties.

BAZNAS continues to collaborate with various institutions to distribute aid through its network, which includes 463 branches at the district/city level, 34 provinces, 28 national zakat amil institutions, and 23 international zakat institutions. This step ensures that assistance can be effectively channeled to those in need in various regions.

Terima Donasi Rp3 Miliar, BAZNAS Siap Salurkan Bantuan ke Gaza
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