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Misteri Pohon 'Fosil Hidup' yang Dibekukan 66 Juta Tahun Akhirnya Terungkap

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The Mystery of the 'Living Fossil' Tree Frozen 66 Million Years Ago Finally Revealed"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Mystery of the Frozen 'Living Fossil' Tree, Frozen for 66 Million Years, Finally Revealed."

In 1994, a group of climbers discovered a group of peculiar trees growing in a gorge in Wollemi National Park, about 100 kilometers west of Sydney, Australia. One of the climbers informed a park service naturalist, who then showed a leaf specimen to a botanist.


Finally, it is known that those trees represent ancient species that essentially froze in time since dinosaurs inhabited the Earth.

Misteri Pohon 'Fosil Hidup' yang Dibekukan 66 Juta Tahun Akhirnya Terungkap

Source: Live Science

"Pinus Wollemi"

Called as "living fossils" by some people, the Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) is almost identical to preserved remnants from the Cretaceous period (145 to 66 million years ago). Currently, there are only 60 trees of this species remaining in the wild, and these tenacious survivors are threatened by forest fires in the region. Initially, it was believed that these trees became extinct around 2 million years ago.

"Scientists from Various Countries"

"Now, scientists from Australia, the United States, and Italy have decoded its genome, shedding light on its unique evolution and reproductive habits, as well as aiding conservation efforts. This paper has been posted to the preprint database bioRxiv on August 24 and has not yet undergone peer review."


Having 26 chromosomes, containing an impressive 12.2 billion base pairs. Humans only have about 3 billion base pairs.

Misteri Pohon 'Fosil Hidup' yang Dibekukan 66 Juta Tahun Akhirnya Terungkap

But the very low genetic diversity, indicating a bottleneck around 10,000 to 26,000 years ago.

The remaining trees seem to reproduce by cloning themselves through a technique called branching, where shoots emerge from the base and become new trees.

The remaining trees seem to reproduce by cloning themselves through a technique called branching, where shoots emerge from the base and become new trees.

The scarcity of them may be caused by a high number of transposons, or "jumping genes" DNA sequences that can change their position in the genome. These elements are also responsible for the size of the genome.
"The smallest plant genome and the largest plant genome almost have the same number of genes. The large size difference usually comes from transposons,""

"According to Gerald Schoenknecht, program director for the National Science Foundation Plant Genome Research Program."


When transposons jump to a new location, they can alter the sequence of "letters" in the DNA molecule, causing or reversing mutations in genes. They can carry functional DNA with them or modify DNA at the insertion site, thus having a substantial impact on the evolution of an organism.

If transposons cause harmful mutations, they may contribute to population decline triggered by climate change and other factors, say researchers. These stressful conditions may cause plants to switch to clonal reproduction. Because increased transposon activity is correlated with sexual reproduction, the shift to asexual reproduction may have reduced the potential for damaging mutations to occur.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Paradoxically, although trees still rely on sexual reproduction, transposons may play a role in increasing genetic diversity and at least temporarily making trees more resistant to changing conditions."

Source: Live Science


"In 99% of all cases, mutations may not be a good idea," "But for millions of years, the 1% that helps can advance this species. In this case, it may provide a slight advantage."
kata Schoenknecht.

Source: Live Science

"Susceptible to diseases"

Analyzing the genome has also revealed why Wollemi Pine appears vulnerable to diseases, especially Phytophthora cinnamomi, a type of pathogenic water mold that causes drought disease. The disease resistance genes of these trees are suppressed by a specific type of RNA that is associated with the development of broader leaves. Unlike most conifers, this tree has wide leaves.

So, the evolution of wider leaves may have caused a suppression of disease resistance and opened opportunities for the species against pathogen threats, which may accidentally be traced by illegal hikers visiting protected areas.
"P. cinnamomi is commonly found in cultivated plants."

Source: Live Science

Meskipun hanya ada empat populasi kecil yang tersisa di alam liar, pinus ini telah banyak diproduksi oleh kebun raya dan lembaga lain sebagai upaya untuk melestarikannya dan mempelajari biologinya yang unik.

"Although there are only four small populations remaining in the wild, this pine has been extensively produced by botanical gardens and other institutions in an effort to conserve it and study its unique biology."

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This species is considered critically endangered by the IUCN."

"Thus, the analysis of the Wollemi pine genome is not just an academic curiosity, but has serious implications for the survival of the species."

Source: Live Science

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