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Curse of Allah SWT upon the Jewish People for Saying 'The Hand of Allah is Bound'

Curse of Allah SWT upon the Jewish People for Saying 'The Hand of Allah is Bound'

The Jewish people have several bad traits, namely, they like to ignite the flames of war, spread slander, and cause disturbances.

The Curse of Allah SWT upon the Jews for Saying 'Allah's Hand is Tied'

Dream - Some bad traits that are inherent in the Jewish people make many people criticize them. For example, lying, betraying, and committing other evil acts.

The Curse of Allah SWT upon the Jews for Saying 'Allah's Hand is Tied'

That was explained by Allah SWT through several of His words in the Quran and through the words of the Prophet saw. It is explained in a hadith that the Jews look for excuses to violate the provisions of Allah SWT. The Prophet saw said, "May Allah destroy the Jews, Allah has forbidden them from consuming fat, but they sell the fat and consume the proceeds." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) Not only that, the Jews also received a curse from Allah SWT because they said "The hand of Allah is tied" as mentioned in the Quran, Al-Maidah verse 64.

To find out the complete explanation, here is a summary as compiled by Dream from various sources.

The Curse of Allah SWT upon the Jews for Saying 'Allah's Hand is Tied'
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The translation of the given Bahasa text to English while preserving any HTML tags is: "The Jews are cursed by Allah SWT."

There are many verses in the Quran that explain the evil of the Jewish people. In those verses, Allah SWT curses the Jewish people for saying 'The hand of Allah is tied.'

The following is an explanation in the letter of Al-Maidah verse 64: "The Jews say: 'The hand of Allah is chained.' Their hands are chained and they are cursed for what they say. No, both of His hands are open; He spends as He wills. And what has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. And We have cast among them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. Every time they kindled the fire of war, Allah extinguished it. And they strive throughout the land [causing] corruption, and Allah does not like corrupters." (QS. Al-Maidah: 64)

In a narration by Ibn Ishaq and At-Thabrani from Ibn Abbas, it is said, "A Jew named Nabbasy bin Qais said to Prophet Muhammad, 'Your Lord is stingy and does not like to give.'" Until finally, the above verse was revealed. Although the one who said this was one of the Jews, it has shown the nature and stance of the entire Jewish community.

"Bad Character of the Jewish People"

Through the letter of Al-Maidah verse 64 above, it is interpreted by the Ministry of Religion that Allah SWT will cause enmity among the People of the Book, namely Jews and Christians.

The enmity between the Jewish and Christian communities will not end until the Day of Judgment arrives. It is known that the Jews have several bad traits. They are inclined to incite wars, spread slander, and cause trouble. This is not just an assumption, but their bad traits have been demonstrated throughout history, proving that the Jews always try to deceive Prophet Muhammad and the believers. Additionally, the Jews also enjoy witnessing destruction on earth. However, when they incite wars, spread slander, and cause trouble, Allah SWT stops them.

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