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The fate of the owner of Disc Tarra who switched professions to become a vegetable farmer, here is a snippet of his story.

The fate of the owner of Disc Tarra who switched professions to become a vegetable farmer, here is a snippet of his story.

Dream - 90s to 2000s generation must be familiar with a cassette and CD store called Disc Tarra. Back then, before digital music and Spotify dominated the music world, Disc Tarra was a favorite place for young people to buy cassettes, CDs, and other music equipment. However, at the end of 2015, this comprehensive cassette and CD store announced the closure of all its stores throughout Indonesia. Who would have thought, now the owner of Disc Tarra, Wirawan Hartawan, has switched professions to become a vegetable farmer.

The Fate of Disc Tarra Owner who Changed Profession to Vegetable Farmer, Here's a Piece of His Story

"For those of you who are curious about the fate of the owner of this most complete cassette and CD store, read the full review in the following article!"


Rumors Circulating

Many rumors circulating say that the closure of Disc Tarra was due to its defeat in the competition of music sales in the digital era. However, Wirawan Hartawan, the highest leader of Disc Tarra at that time, revealed that the closure of these stores was not done because Disc Tarra lost in the competition.

He explained that the closure of Disc Tarra was a personal decision made with his family. In 2015, Disc Tarra still had 238 branches spread from Sabang to Merauke. However, the decision to close the store had to be implemented because the machine spare parts factory commonly used for CD duplication, which came from Europe, had gone bankrupt. This means that there are no more suppliers to meet the needs of the machine spare parts. Eventually, they only had 3 remaining units of the machine, and even those were the result of cannibalizing other machines.

"So I think, if we still have a contract with the mall for 5 years, can this machine last for another 5 years? If I have a contract but no production, what can I sell? I have to pay for rent, employees, and electricity. It's in the mall but there are no CDs available."
kata Wirawan Hartawan.


The Fate of Disc Tarra Owner who Changed Profession to Vegetable Farmer, Here's a Piece of His Story

"From there, he decided not to extend the contract with the mall and terminate the store's operation. He emphasized that the closure of Disc Tarra was not due to losses as reported in the community."

"So Vegetable Farmer"

Not long after, he suffered from a blockage in the left side of his brain. Even the disease he suffered was diagnosed as incurable. He had visited many doctors, but the disease showed no signs of improvement. Then he started consuming vegetables, and his body gradually improved. For him, vegetables became his savior when he was suffering from that malignant disease. It was at that moment that he had the idea of becoming a vegetable farmer.


The disease he suffered from can be said as a souvenir from when he was still involved in the music industry, where his eating and lifestyle patterns were completely destroyed. Meanwhile, by becoming a vegetable farmer, he became more concerned about his health.

The Fate of Disc Tarra Owner who Changed Profession to Vegetable Farmer, Here's a Piece of His Story

"Learning Farming in Various Countries"

To realize his dream of becoming a vegetable farmer, Wirawan Hartawan studied agriculture in various countries such as the Netherlands, France, the United States, Japan, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Bangkok, and Turkey. He shared that the changes that happened in his life were very rapid with healthy eating, such as vegetables.


"From there I felt that God has been good, I promise and tell God, I was already about to die and there was no cure but now I am getting healthier so I entered agriculture and taught people a healthy lifestyle,"

"Former owner of Disc Tarra said this."

Establishing Greenhouse as a Laboratory

Then he started to become a vegetable farmer by establishing a greenhouse to serve as an experimental laboratory for hydroponic farming. This technique marked the beginning of the emergence of Hydrofarm. Together with his children, he built a smart system for hydroponics for a period of 5 years. "I haven't started selling yet, I'm still experimenting," he said.

Pelajari Pertanian di Indonesia

Learn Agriculture in Indonesia

"He also admitted to having studied agricultural techniques in several regions in Indonesia. According to him, at that time agricultural technology in Indonesia was still very traditional and decades behind."

"Invite Farmers to Advance the Agricultural Sector"

Now he is trying to invite farmers to advance the agricultural sector in order to produce good quality. According to him, agriculture in Indonesia still needs to be developed, one of which is with the hydrofarm method. Hydrofarm itself comes from the word hydro which means water, and farm which means agriculture. Therefore, he is committed to creating awareness of healthy living through proper hydroponic farming.


"Hydrofarm Technique"

After that, skills and high technology are combined to ensure the best quality in hydroponic systems and production. Currently, Hydrofarm Indonesia has become one of the largest suppliers of hydroponic agricultural and plantation products in Indonesia, as well as providing various hydroponic needs for small and large scales. That is a snippet of the story of former Disc Tarra boss who is now successful as a vegetable merchant.

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