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"Prayers of Faqih Muqaddam and Its Benefits, and Biography of Al-Imam Al-Faqih Muqaddam Muhammad bin 'Ali Ba'lawiy"

"Dream - Doa Faqih Muqaddam is a prayer by Al-Imam Al-Faqih Muqaddam Muhammad bin 'Ali Ba'lawiy. The prayer of the faqid muqaddam is often practiced by the habaib and scholars at an istighosah and munajat kubro event. So, how is the recitation of the prayer of faqih muqaddam? Without further ado, let's take a look at the complete review below, including the biography of Al-Imam Al-Faqih Muqaddam Muhammad bin 'Ali Ba'lawiy and the virtues of the prayer of faqih muqaddam."

"Who is Sayyidina Faqid Muqaddam?"

Al-Faqih Muqaddam is the title of Sayyidina Muhammad bin Ali bin Muhammad Shohib Marbath. He is an important figure in the history of the Alawiyyin order in Indonesia. Al-Faqih Muqaddam is the founder of the order and the ancestor of the Alawiyyin descendants spread throughout Indonesia. Al-Faqih Muqaddam was born in Tarim, Hadramaut, South Yemen in 574 H or 1176 M. He is a direct descendant of Imam Husain radhiyallahu 'anhu, the husband of Sayyidina Fatimah, the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Have Many Teachers

Al-Faqih Muqaddam studied under many people, so the breadth and depth of his knowledge are beyond doubt. Some of the teachers he referred to include Syekh Abdullah bin Abdurrahman Ba'ubayd, Al-odhy Ahmad bin Muhammad Ba'isa, and Imam Asy-Syekh Ali bin Ahmad bin Salim Bamarwan. These teachers provided teachings and guidance in the field of fiqh and tasawuf.


World of Tasawuf in Indonesia

The experience and knowledge he possessed, Al-Faqih Muqaddam made a great contribution to the development of Sufism in Indonesia. His teachings and legacy still continue to live on and are respected by his followers until now. Many people are inspired by his figure who pursues spiritual life. He is a figure who should be taken as an example in practicing religious teachings with love and wisdom.


"Benefits of the Prayer of Faqih Muqaddam"

In order to avoid evil. Get closer to good things. A person who is grieving will find happiness. A person who is negligent in worship becomes obedient in worship to Allah. Practice to always be righteous in religion. Request for mercy and forgiveness.

"Reading of Doa Faqih Muqaddam"

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Meaning: O Allah, move us and the Muslims from misery to happiness, from hell to paradise, from punishment to mercy, from sin to forgiveness, and from evil to goodness, from fear to safety, from poverty to wealth, from humiliation to honor, from lowliness to nobility, from narrowness to spaciousness, from bad to good, from difficulty to ease, from turning away to facing, from illness to health, from wrath to pleasure, from negligence to worship, from laziness to enthusiasm, from humility to assistance, from innovation to tradition, from deviation to justice.

"Next Prayer..."

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"Ya Allah ... Ya Allah ... Ya Allah ... O our Lord ... O our Lord ... O our Lord ... O our helper ... O our helper ... O our helper ... O our helper ... O the Most High of all that is noble ... O the full of love and compassion ... O the owner of greatness and glory ... O the owner of great blessings."

The Prayer of Faqih Muqaddam and Its Benefits, and the Biography of Imam Faqih Muqaddam Muhammad bin 'Ali Ba'lawiy

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الْعَظِيمَ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ. Artinya: Aku memohon ampunan pada Allah yang maha agung yang tiada tuhan selain Dia yang maha hidup lagi maha perkasa dan aku bertaubat pada-Nya. أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الْعَظِيمَ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ.

Translation: "Meaning: O Allah, I seek guidance in good deeds to attain Your love, sincerity in surrendering to You, good thoughts towards You, not expecting anything but from You, O my Lord ... O the Most gentle and tender ... O the Provider of sustenance, O the Most loving ... O the Most powerful ... O the Most firm, I beseech You to make me worthy for You, to immerse myself in Your love, the complete gentleness from Your side, abundant sustenance, tranquility, and satisfaction."

Long life and good deeds in faith and conviction, steadfast in truth and religion, eternal glory and magnificence untainted by arrogance, pride and corruption. Truly, You are the All-Hearing and All-Near. May Allah bestow His mercy and peace upon our leader Muhammad, his family, and companions. And all praise belongs to Allah.

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