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Types and Signs of the Doomsday commonly known as the Last Day

Types and Signs of the Doomsday commonly known as the Last Day

Signs of the doomsday and types of the doomsday.

The Day of Judgment is the final day for the life of all living creatures on this earth, without exception, marked by the destruction of the universe and all beings in it. No creature can predict when the Day of Judgment will occur, as stated in QS. Al-A'raf verse 187 which says: "They ask you about the Hour: when is its arrival? Say: Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None will reveal its time except Him. It lays heavily upon the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except unexpectedly." They ask you as if you are familiar with it. Say: Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know." (QS. Al-A'raf 187)

Meaning: They ask you (Muhammad) about the Hour (i.e., the Day of Judgment), "When will it occur?" Say, "The knowledge of its occurrence is only with my Lord. None can reveal its time except Him. It is heavy upon the heavens and the earth. It will not come upon you except unexpectedly." They ask you as if you are familiar with it. Say, "The knowledge of the Hour is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know."

In the Qur'an and hadith, there are already many explanations regarding the Day of Judgment and how it will happen. Although no one knows when the Day of Judgment will occur, Allah has provided explanations regarding the signs that will appear during the Day of Judgment as well as the types of Judgment. Here is the explanation.

Various Types of Doomsday

Various Types of Doomsday

Types and Signs of the Day of Judgement commonly known as the Last Day

"In the Al-Qur'an, it is explained that there are two types of Doomsday, namely the small Doomsday (kiamat sugra) and the big Doomsday (kiamat kubra) or the day of the end of life for all living creatures on the face of the earth."

<b>Kiamat Sugra/Kiamat Kecil</b><br>

Minor Doomsday\/Minor Apocalypse

Types and Signs of the Day of Judgement commonly known as the Last Day

In Arabic, "sugra" means small. Kiamat sugra refers to the destruction of a small part of the universe, namely the end of individual life or the lives of some creatures on Earth.

"Examples of Minor Signs of the Day of Judgment"

Natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, floods, or hurricanes cause destruction and losses for individuals and affected regions. Death is also the end of life and can be considered as a minor apocalypse.

The evidence is based on the saying of Prophet Muhammad SAW as follows: \

<b>Kiamat Kubra/Kiamat Besar</b>

The Great Resurrection/The Great Apocalypse

Types and Signs of the Day of Judgement commonly known as the Last Day

In Arabic, "kubra" means big, as in the context of kiamat kubra which refers to the actual doomsday, where the entire universe along with its contents will be destroyed, signifying the end of life.

The great apocalypse begins with the blow of the trumpet of Israfil, the angel of the trumpet, who accompanies the destruction of the universe and its contents. Evidence of the great apocalypse can be found in Surah Al-Qari'ah verses 1-11.

<b>Tanda-tanda Kiamat Kubro</b><br>

Signs of the Great Apocalypse

Types and Signs of the Day of Judgement commonly known as the Last Day

Kubro doomsday has unusual signs, ranging from small signs to big signs. Here are the big signs of the occurrence of kubro doomsday.

"The Emergence of Ya'juj Ma'juj".

Yajuj and Majuj are described in the Al-Quran as a people who corrupt the earth.

"They have characteristics such as slanted eyes, flat nose, and blonde hair, as well as being confined in a valley surrounded by two mountains by King Zulkarnain. With a large wall surrounding them, they cannot go out."

<b>Munculnya Da’jal</b>

The Emergence of Da'jal

The arrival of Dajjal is a sign of the approaching Doomsday. Dajjal, a creature of Allah, has unique characteristics: curly hair, one eye on the left side, with the word "infidel" on his forehead, and will appear at Lake Tiberias.

Dajjal can command the sky to rain after a long drought, causing difficulties for plants and animals. However, he is also capable of making the land fertile so that plants and livestock can thrive.

<b>Munculnya Imam Mahdi</b>

The appearance of Imam Mahdi

Imam in Arabic means leader, while Mahdi is a person who receives guidance. So, Imam Mahdi is the chosen messenger of Allah who is appointed as a leader and given guidance.

he translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows:

Characteristics of Mahdi include being a descendant of Prophet Muhammad, having a broad face, and a sharp nose. He will fight against the tyranny of Dajjal, who was previously in power, and eliminate all his evil actions.

"The Descent of Prophet Isa AS"

Imam Mahdi and Prophet Isa will be together to fight against Dajjal. Prophet Isa does not come with a new teaching, but strengthens faith in Allah.

<b>Matahari Terbit dari Barat</b>

The sun rises from the west.

One of the astonishing signs of the apocalypse is the sun rising from the west, as mentioned in the Hadith of Muslim.

"The Day of Judgment will not come until the sun rises from the west. When the sun rises from the west, everyone will turn to believe. However, a person's faith will no longer be beneficial if they did not previously believe or did not benefit from their faith. That was an explanation about the types and signs of the Day of Judgment. Allah is the best forgiver for His servants. Therefore, before Allah closes the door of forgiveness, as humans, we must be self-aware and worship only Allah SWT, obey His commands, and avoid His prohibitions."

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