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Tak Terima Dikeluarkan dari Grup WA Geng Motor, Pemuda di Bandung Bunuh Teman Sendiri<br>

Not Accepting Being Kicked Out of the WA Gang Motor Group, a Youth in Bandung Kills His Own Friend.

Unwilling to be expelled from the WA Motor Gang Group, a Youth in Bandung Kills His Own Friend

Dream - Polresta Bandung arrested a man who was the perpetrator of the murder of his own colleague because he was hurt being removed from the WhatsApp group by the victim in the Baleendah area, Bandung Regency, West Java.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The Chief of Bandung Regional Police, Commissioner Pol. Kusworo Wibowo, explained that the incident started when the perpetrator, TT (35), felt angry because he was expelled by the victim, A (29), from one of the WhatsApp motorcycle gang groups."

Unwilling to be expelled from the WA Motor Gang Group, a Youth in Bandung Kills His Own Friend

Create a group commotion

The suspect was intentionally removed from the WA group by the victim who is also the admin because they often create an unfavorable conversation atmosphere.

"After being removed from the WhatsApp group, the suspect approached the victim, asking why they were removed, which led to a fight and ultimately the suspect pulling out a knife."
The text you provided is already in Indonesian, not Bahasa. Here is the translation to English while preserving the HTML tags: "words from Kusworo in the press conference, quoted on Tuesday, October 31, 2023."


Kusworo explained, the victim suffered a stab wound on the left side of the chest, piercing the heart, then on the arm and on the finger.

Unwilling to be expelled from the WA Motor Gang Group, a Youth in Bandung Kills His Own Friend

"Indeed, every day it is always carried everywhere (a knife) and yesterday during a fight, the suspect immediately took out his sharp weapon and stabbed the victim."
he said.


Unwilling to be expelled from the WA Motor Gang Group, a Youth in Bandung Kills His Own Friend

As for the Bandung Regional Police, they managed to solve this case within seven hours after the perpetrator committed the murder against the victim on Sunday (29/10). "Based on the results of the crime scene investigation, we obtained information from the suspect that we could apprehend on the same day at 23.00 WIB," he said.


"Jantung Robek" translates to "Torn Heart" in English.

From the autopsy results, A obtained a wound on the left chest area that resulted in a tear in the heart, causing the victim's life to not be saved.


"Facing 15 Years in Prison"

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator is charged under Article 351 paragraph 3 concerning assault resulting in the victim's death. In addition, Article 338 concerning murder with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

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