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Aksi Karyawan Toko Daging Bersihkan Tulang Iga Pakai Mulut Menuai Kecaman

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Clean Meat Shop Employees Clean Rib Bones Using Mouth Face Criticism"

Dream - A meat shop in China recently caused a stir on social media due to the bizarre and disgusting actions of its employees. In the video, a male employee can be seen cleaning raw lamb ribs using his mouth.

Viral! Karyawan Toko Daging Kuliti Tulang Iga Domba Mentah dengan Mulut, Diklaim sebagai Teknik Kuno yang Sudah Punah

Claimed as an Ancient Technique that is Already Extinct

The meat shop claimed to clean the raw rib bones as an ancient technique that is rarely done. The video taken in Anhui Province has raised serious concerns about the cleanliness of the lamb meat sold in the shop. This is because raw meat is believed to contain dangerous bacteria for the health of the employees and consumers who purchase it.

Viral! Karyawan Toko Daging Kuliti Tulang Iga Domba Mentah dengan Mulut, Diklaim sebagai Teknik Kuno yang Sudah Punah

According to the information in the video, the technique of cleaning rib bones using the mouth is claimed to be faster than using tools. It is also mentioned that the technique, believed to have existed for decades, remains clean. This is because the employee does not leave saliva on the meat.

After the video went viral, the officials immediately went down to the field and conducted an investigation into the meat shop. It turns out that the actions of the meat shop employees were just content to attract many viewers and followers on their social media accounts.

Viral! Karyawan Toko Daging Kuliti Tulang Iga Domba Mentah dengan Mulut, Diklaim sebagai Teknik Kuno yang Sudah Punah

It turns out it's just content.

"This is not an ancient technique (cleaning bones). No butcher cleans lamb rib bones using their mouth beforehand," explained the officer.

Viral! Karyawan Toko Daging Kuliti Tulang Iga Domba Mentah dengan Mulut, Diklaim sebagai Teknik Kuno yang Sudah Punah

The viral action of the meat store employees has invited criticism from netizens who referred to it as a disgusting act. "It's disgusting, not hygienic at all." "Parasites in raw meat pose a life-threatening risk to those who skin the meat with their mouths." "This might be the first time I'm more worried about the seller than myself." "Even though it's called a tradition, it doesn't mean it can reduce the feeling of disgust."

Viral! Karyawan Toko Daging Kuliti Tulang Iga Domba Mentah dengan Mulut, Diklaim sebagai Teknik Kuno yang Sudah Punah

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This video of someone peeling bones with their mouth reminds Chinese netizens of the chicken claw snack factory incident some time ago. The snack factory was also reported to have instructed their employees to clean the chicken claws with their mouths."

"Highly Doubtful Claim"

An employee at a factory said that it is faster to clean chicken claws using the mouth. However, a professor from the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering in China doubts the factory employee's claim. "It is impossible to cut chicken claws with the mouth in factories due to the very large production volume," he said.

Viral! Karyawan Toko Daging Kuliti Tulang Iga Domba Mentah dengan Mulut, Diklaim sebagai Teknik Kuno yang Sudah Punah

Some provinces in China have actually banned their residents from consuming food that is not properly cooked. One of those provinces is Yunnan Province, through regulations made by the Yunnan Disease Control and Prevention Center.

They warn about the risk of infection from consuming traditional dishes made with raw and undercooked meat.

Viral! Karyawan Toko Daging Kuliti Tulang Iga Domba Mentah dengan Mulut, Diklaim sebagai Teknik Kuno yang Sudah Punah
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