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Sleep is a way to recover and replenish the energy that has been spent. Some animals in the wild usually do extreme sleep for hours, even up to days, or commonly called hibernation. Hibernation allows animals to store food and preserve it for months.

Some of the following animals do not hibernate, but they love to sleep for hours, some even sleep up to 22 hours! Here are the species of animals that love to sleep, summarized from various sources, on Monday (17/06/2024).

<b>Tikus Pohon: Tidur Selama 16 Jam</b><br>

Tree Mouse: Sleeps for 16 Hours

Scientists obtain important data about the sleep of rodents thanks to their use as test subjects.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

However, tree rats have become an interesting anomaly that attracts attention, especially because they rarely leave their nests at night, possibly because their eye structure does not support daytime vision.

<b>Tupai: Tidur Selama 15 Jam</b><br>

Squirrel: Sleeps for 15 Hours

Squirrels gather food to hibernate during the winter season but still sleep a lot outside the hibernation cycle.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

They are active during the day, but sleep up to 15 hours every day during the active season. Squirrels also tidy up their nests for hibernation, when they are only awake for 12-20 hours in a week.

Tiger: Sleeps for 16 Hours

Tiger: Sleeps for 16 Hours

Tiger, a fierce predator with a muscular body that requires a lot of energy, does most of its hunting at night.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

Although spending 16 hours a day sleeping, they can relax for up to 20 hours. Failure to hunt one night can result in a cycle of hunger and failure for tigers, who must utilize their energy as efficiently as possible.

Giant Armadillo: Sleeps for 16 Hours

Giant Armadillo: Sleeps for 16 Hours

Giant armadillos use their carapaces to protect themselves from various natural threats. However, they tend to spend most of their time hiding.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

They can stay in their burrows for 16 to 18 hours a day, where they search for food and rest. Researchers are not sure how much time they spend sleeping because giant armadillos are also active in searching for food in their burrows, especially insects and larvae that are easily found in their sleeping places.

Monkey at Night: Sleep for 17 Hours

Monkey at Night: Sleep for 17 Hours

Night monkeys, known for their activities in the dense and dark rainforests of Central America, face significant challenges in monitoring their population.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

They have an activity cycle adapted to darkness, utilizing their night vision to hunt and survive efficiently in the dense forest. Although known as "owl monkeys" because of their unique abilities, they remain agile and can navigate the environment without light very well.

Python Snake: Sleeps for 18 Hours

Python Snake: Sleeps for 18 Hours

Python snakes are one of the laziest snakes, they can sleep up to 18 hours at once. They are active at night, hunting for prey and then resting in a safe place.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

Long rest is important because they need a long time to digest their prey, depending on its size, it can take days or even weeks.

<b>Kelelawar Coklat: Tidur Hingga 20 Jam Sehari</b><br>

Small brown bats become active and start hunting after dusk, then return to their sleeping place to rest. They obtain enough energy to survive.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Small brown bats need to eat half their body weight every night, while their mothers can eat more than their entire body weight in one night searching for food. Additionally, these bats also hibernate during the winter season."

<b>Koala: Tidur Selama 18-22 Jam Sehari</b><br>

Koala: Sleeps for 18-22 Hours a Day

Koala, a tree-climbing marsupial in Australia, experiences chronic sleepiness which they blame on their poor eating habits.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

Although the high branches provide protection from predators and endless supply of eucalyptus leaves, these leaves have little nutritional value, which leads to minimal competition among them. Nevertheless, during the four to five hours they are awake, koalas are very voracious. They are able to consume one kilogram of eucalyptus leaves per day and store it in their cheek pouches to eat during their nap.

Sloth: Sleeps for 10-20 Hours a Day

Sloth: Sleeps for 10-20 Hours a Day

"Sloth is often considered the laziest creature in the world. Although in captivity they can sleep up to 20 hours a day, research shows that sloths in the wild usually sleep less than 10 hours every night. "

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours

Sloths are known for their adorable habit of hanging from tree branches most of the time. Their unique bodies allow them to perform many activities, including giving birth and mating while hanging, in addition to eating and sleeping. Due to abundant food and minimal predators, sloths rarely leave the forest canopy where they live.

<b>Opossum: Tidur Hingga 18 Jam Sehari</b><br>

Opossum: Sleep Up to 18 Hours a Day

Opossum is not an animal that sleeps while hanging on its tail as widely believed. Instead, they are nocturnal animals that hide in tree holes or rodent nests after finishing hunting.

10 Animals that Love Sleeping, Some Can Sleep Up to 22 Hours
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