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10 Wisata Gua di Indonesia, Punya Sensasi Menarik yang Tak Bisa Dilupakan

10 Caves Tourism in Indonesia, Have an Unforgettable Exciting Sensation

Dream - If given the opportunity to explore Indonesia's tourism, it certainly won't be enough in a matter of days. You need to set aside as much time as possible periodically to enjoy the breathtaking panorama that is undoubtedly present in every corner of this homeland. Not only on the surface, the natural beauty of Indonesia is also visible deep within the caves. Here, there are many caves that are formed naturally, even holding a lot of history within them.

Touring caves or caving can be an exciting alternative for a vacation. Especially for those of you who enjoy adrenaline rushes. Because, there are several caves in Indonesia that can be entered in various ways such as trekking through stairs and steep rocks, exploring rivers inside the cave, and even using ropes to enter the mouth of the cave.

By exploring cave tourism, you can see the beauty of the Homeland from below and have an unforgettable experience. Here are 10 cave tourism destinations in Indonesia that must be on your wishlist!

10 Wisata Gua di Indonesia, Punya Sensasi Menarik yang Tak Bisa Dilupakan
1. Gua Jomblang

1. Gua Jomblang

Located in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Gua Jomblang has a main attraction in the form of "Heavenly Light", which is a beam of sunlight that enters the cave through a large hole that is 90 meters high.

To witness the beauty directly, we have to descend into the mouth of the cave from a height of 15-20 meters with the help of a rope, and then explore the cave towards the point "Heaven's Light". Don't worry, you will be guided by an expert to ensure safety when entering Jomblang Cave.

2. Gua Pindul Gua Pindul

Still in the Gunungkidul area, another cave tourist destination is Pindul Cave. An exciting activity that you can do in this cave is river tracing or river tubing. The reason is, in Pindul Cave there is an underground river flow along 350 meters. However, to explore the cave, we must be patient and enter one by one, or follow the directions from the tour guide.

10 Wisata Gua di Indonesia, Punya Sensasi Menarik yang Tak Bisa Dilupakan

3. Gua Cokro in English is "Cokro Cave".

One more hidden gem in Gunungkidul, namely Gua Cokro. The attraction of this cave is the ornaments found on the cave walls that are formed naturally. Uniquely, these ornaments seem to form curtains and resemble a keris. Beautiful stalactites and stalagmites can also be seen when exploring this cave with a depth of 18 meters.

10 Wisata Gua di Indonesia, Punya Sensasi Menarik yang Tak Bisa Dilupakan

4. Gua Gong

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Gua Gong is located in Pacitan, East Java. The name of the cave was not created without reason. It is said that this name emerged because there is a sound like a gong when stalactites and stalagmites in the cave are struck. When exploring the cave, you can also enjoy the colorful lights that shimmer inside the cave."


5. Gua Beloyot translates to "5. Beloyot Cave" in English.

Located in Kampung Merabu, Berau, East Kalimantan, the tourist attraction Gua Beloyot is said to have existed since 10,000 years ago. Inside this cave, you can find several prehistoric relics in the form of ancient human paintings depicting hunting activities, and replicas of ancient human hands. To reach Gua Beloyot, we have to traverse a dense and pristine forest for a distance of 5.5 km from Kampung Merabu.

10 Wisata Gua di Indonesia, Punya Sensasi Menarik yang Tak Bisa Dilupakan

6. Gua Pangkep

"Different from the usual cave tourism, Gua Pangkep offers a collection of nearby caves. This cave tourism stretches from Maros Regency to Pangkep, precisely in the Karst area, South Sulawesi. Interestingly, 50 of these caves are prehistoric caves. They have been found with remnants of ancient human food and ancient paintings."

7. Mirror Stone Cave

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English', while preserving any HTML tags: "Host of the ASEAN Summit 2023, Labuan Bajo also has a cave tourism site that holds a million charms, namely the Mirror Stone Cave. This cave is like a naturally formed pool, due to the receding sea water level. It's no wonder that several coral fossils are preserved inside the cave."


"Starting from turtles, tortoises, and various types of fish. When exploring caves, you will find stalactites and stalagmites that are still very natural and well-preserved."

10 Wisata Gua di Indonesia, Punya Sensasi Menarik yang Tak Bisa Dilupakan

8. Gua Londa

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "Exploring caves in Indonesia that are quite unique, you can experience the excitement at Gua Londa, North Toraja, South Sulawesi. Inside the cave, we can witness directly the coffins and skeletal remains of ancestors buried on the cave walls. To enter the cave, you need to be guided by local residents because the journey requires passing through narrow corridors, steep rocks, and quite slippery."

9. Gua Ergendang

I Ergendang Cave is located in the Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hilir District, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. In the middle of the cave, there is a hot spring pool that can be used by tourists to soak or swim, while admiring the stalactites and stalagmites that adorn the cave's ceiling. The beauty is enhanced by the reflection of sunlight entering the cave.

10. Local Cave

Play to the east of Indonesia, surely you can still explore cave tourism. Lokale Cave located in the Baliem Valley, Jayawijaya, is called the endless cave, because archaeologists have only reached a depth of 3 km, so it is possible that it is even deeper.

10 Wisata Gua di Indonesia, Punya Sensasi Menarik yang Tak Bisa Dilupakan

In the cave there are several hollow walls, when we knock on them it will produce a quite unique sound. Located in the pine forest area, the air in Lokale Cave is known to be very cool and refreshing.

"So, are you ready to explore my cave tourism in Indonesia?"

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