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"5 Popular Mystical Destinations in Indonesia, Are You Brave Enough to Explore?"

Dream - Traveling is not only about visiting tourist attractions that can please the eyes and stomach. Traveling can be done in areas with a mystical atmosphere. Moreover, Indonesia is very rich in culture that can support this tourism. Furthermore, many people are interested in experiencing the mystical through traveling. The proof is that every release of a horror film, the audience is always crowded. From these films, a number of locations known for their mystical nature are becoming known to the public and gaining popularity. People are interested in stopping by to experience the horror sensation.

The situation apparently was read by Agoda. This digital travel platform reveals five interesting locations in Indonesia based on booking data in March and September 2023. Each destination has various mystical places and urban legend stories. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, these places will certainly add a touch of excitement and mystery to your journey, Sahabat Dream.


Bali - Ghost Island and Legends

Bali - Ghost Island and Legends

Known as the Island of the Gods, Bali not only offers natural beauty and rich culture. Besides beaches and temples, this island also holds mystical aspects.

From Tanah Lot, an ancient temple supposedly protected by a giant sea snake named Baruna, to the abandoned Taman Festival that attracts mystery enthusiasts, Bali offers many mystical experiences for adventurers. Other eerie destinations in Bali include the Japanese Caves in Klungkung, a cave complex built by the Japanese army during World War II and believed to be haunted by their spirits, as well as Dam Oongan, a dam built on a burial site and believed to be haunted by the spirits of the local residents buried there. Lastly, there is Pi Bedugul, a luxury hotel that has been abandoned since the Bali Bombing in 1999.


"Jakarta - City with Hidden Mysteries"

"Jakarta, the lively capital of Indonesia, turns out to have several haunted places that attract thrill-seekers and fans of the supernatural."

One of the haunted places is TPU Jeruk Purut, where there is a story about a headless pastor wandering around this cemetery at night while holding his severed head. Another place is Taman Langsat, which is said to be haunted by kuntilanak, a female ghost with long black hair and a white dress. Allegedly, her terrifying cries echo among the trees at night, and some people have even seen her apparition in the shadows.

Then there is Menara Saidah, once a bustling office building, now empty, with tightly closed windows and echoing hallways. Legend has it that this tower is haunted by a woman in a red dress who cries and wanders the corridors. Another mysterious location is Toko Merah, a red building that witnessed tragic events during the Japanese occupation. The community believes that this place is haunted by the ghosts of Chinese people who were killed and buried within its walls.


Batam - Eerie Secret Island

Batam - Eerie Secret Island

As a popular tourist destination, Batam also has several haunted places inhabited by supernatural beings. Hutan Wisata Mata Kucing, famous for its unique rock formations, is said to be a place of transmigration for jin and supernatural beings.

The visitors reported strange sounds, ghostly apparitions, and creepy experiences in this forest, with claims of unusual touches and scratches. Meanwhile, Sei Ladi, a small lake within the dense forest, is believed to be a gathering place for lost spirits, some of which are said to have been dumped into the lake as corpses. Barelang Bridge, a series of six bridges connecting Batam to several other islands, is a place that has witnessed various accidents, and some people believe there are supernatural presences around the bridge.


Lombok - Mystical Paradise

Lombok - Mystical Paradise

Lombok, the hidden gem in Indonesia, is famous for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, friendly inhabitants, and mystical legends. One of the most popular mystical tales involves Desa Besari, a mysterious village in North Lombok that supposedly disappeared mysteriously at the end of the 17th century.

Some people believe that this village has moved to the spiritual realm, while others think that the village was destroyed and its inhabitants perished. Currently, Genggelang Village, which is believed to be close to Besari Village, has become a popular tourist destination for those interested in supernatural things. Another mystical destination in Lombok is Gunung Wayang Island, which is believed to be inhabited by spirits and other supernatural creatures. Visitors must seek permission from the local traditional leader before visiting this island, as it is said that anyone who visits without permission will experience misfortune or even death.


Yogyakarta - Spirit of Nature and Shadows

Yogyakarta - Spirit of Nature and Shadow

Yogyakarta, a special region in Central Java, Indonesia, is famous for its rich culture, history, and mystical heritage. For example, Selarong Cave is known as the home of a gamelan orchestra that can only be heard on Tuesday Kliwon night, a sacred night in Javanese culture when ancestral spirits are very active.

Then Vredeburg Fortress, which is located not far from Malioboro Street, is said to be haunted by a Dutch woman ghost riding a horse and a group of headless soldiers. Fortress visitors have reported seeing these supernatural figures marching in the fortress area at night. Mount Merapi, an active volcano located near Yogyakarta, also holds mystical significance.

According to local legends, there is a supernatural market on the slopes of a volcano, where buying and selling transactions are conducted not by humans, but by supernatural beings. There is also the Plunyon Kalikuning Bridge, which used to be a beautiful natural tourist attraction, but now has become a haunted tourist destination in Yogyakarta. Allegedly, this place is home to various kinds of ghosts and other supernatural beings, including those depicted in the horror film 'KKN di Desa Penari'.

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