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"5 Tips Choosing Halal Food When Traveling"

The following is a way you can do to keep consuming halal food while traveling.

5 Tips for Choosing Halal Food When Traveling

"Dream - Traveling is a very enjoyable experience for everyone. Dream friends can see fresh and aesthetic views while traveling."

You can also taste various types of unique foods or drinks that you have never tried before. For Muslims, when traveling, it is also important to pay attention to the halalness of the drinks and food consumed. So, how do you ensure that the food/drink is truly halal when traveling?

5 Tips for Choosing Halal Food When Traveling

Not all culinary products sold in the market have been guaranteed halal, even if they are made from vegetables or fruits. Follow the following tips if you want to ensure that your food is truly halal when traveling.

1. Riset Tempat Liburan

1. Vacation Destination Research

Do research about the destination that will be visited. Dream friends can search and create a list of halal restaurants or shops, as well as local mosques, to make traveling more convenient.

2. Cooking Your Own Food

When it is difficult to find halal restaurants, an easy solution that can be done is to rent a place equipped with a kitchen and cook food by yourself.

2. Cooking Your Own Food
5 Tips for Choosing Halal Food When Traveling

By cooking yourself, you no longer need to worry about finding halal places to eat, especially when traveling long distances.

In addition to being able to enjoy food peacefully, renting a place to stay like an apartment equipped with a kitchen can also save expenses during traveling. Dream friends only need to buy groceries at the local market to get cheaper prices. If necessary, ask for assistance from locals to be able to negotiate the price.

3. Becoming a Pescatarian

Pescatarian is a person who chooses to consume fish in addition to being vegetarian or vegan. Seafood is considered halal and easy to find, so you don't need to avoid all types of non-vegetarian food.

3. Menjadi Pescatarian

It is important to remember that when dining at a place, there are some restaurants that use alcohol in the cooking process. Therefore, even when choosing seafood, it is important to know whether the restaurant uses alcohol or other non-halal ingredients or not.

4. Avoid Processed Foods

Reduce processed foods because even though their contents are listed on the packaging, you are not sure about the processing process. Choosing food that is definitely halal can help maintain health and provide peace of mind while enjoying the dish.

5. Always Check for the Halal Logo

5. Always Check for the Halal Logo

"If consuming processed food, make sure to look for the Halal logo when purchasing it. You can also read the ingredients listed in the local language."

The only sure way to ensure that the food is halal and free from non-halal content is through certification and supervision from an authorized body. Report: Aisyah Cryshanty/ Source: Halal Times

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