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There is Best and Worst Food for the Skin, Already Know?

There is Best and Worst Food for the Skin, Already Know?

Dream - Have you ever heard the term 'you are what you eat', my Dream friend? The term can be said to describe that the condition of your body depends heavily on what you consume. It's not only applicable to the body. The health of your skin also depends on the food you consume.

Best and Worst Foods for Skin, Already Know?

Therefore, you need to maintain a healthy eating pattern in order to have healthy skin. When acne suddenly appears and the skin feels excessively oily or dry, there will surely be a question as to why it can happen.

Best and Worst Foods for Skin, Already Know?

No need to worry, because this time Dream will explain the good foods and the ones that need to be avoided for the health of your skin. After knowing this, you must be wiser in choosing what to consume, Sahabat Dream!

Best and Worst Foods for Skin, Already Know?

"Food that Can Disrupt Skin Health"
1. Dairy Processed Products

Milk, cheese, and regular yogurt are common sources of calcium, but unfortunately consuming excessive processed dairy products is not very good for skin health. Some studies show that processed dairy products can increase insulin levels, thus increasing the risk of acne appearing on the skin.


2. Fried Food

If you want to have glowing skin, avoid all fried foods. Oily foods have the potential to cause inflammation and trigger excessive oil production on the skin.

2. Fried Food

3. Sweet Foods Just like dairy products, consuming sugar can also quickly trigger an increase in insulin levels, which ultimately leads to various skin problems. It is better to reduce consumption of ice cream, cakes, and chocolate to achieve healthier skin. 4. Bread Another trigger for skin problems is bread because of its high glycemic index. Consuming excessive amounts of bread can disrupt skin health and increase body weight.

5. Caffeine

Excessive caffeine consumption will have negative effects on skin health. In fact, it can cause acne on your skin. Although not always experienced directly, excessive caffeine consumption can worsen skin conditions.

<b>5. Kafein</b><br>

"Good Food for Skin Health"
1. Orange

"Orange is a fruit that is high in vitamin C and can support collagen formation, so your skin is protected from premature aging. Not only oranges, lemons, Balinese oranges, and kiwis can also be excellent choices for nourishing the skin."


2. Walnut Consuming walnuts daily in controlled amounts can improve skin health. The vitamin E content in walnuts plays a role in brightening the skin. Moreover, if consumption is supported by the use of skincare products containing brightening active ingredients. 3. Green Vegetables Green vegetables are a high source of antioxidants that can counteract the negative effects of free radicals such as premature aging and make the skin appear more glowing.

4. Green Tea

For Dream friends who have difficulty giving up the habit of drinking coffee, you can switch to consuming green tea. Green tea is a healthier alternative because it does not contain caffeine like regular coffee or tea. In fact, green tea contains vitamin E which is beneficial for skin health.

4. Green Tea

5. Flaxseeds

Other good food for skin health is flaxseeds. To increase collagen production in the skin, try adding flaxseeds to salads or smoothies because of their high antioxidant content. So, you can consume them to prevent premature aging. Report: Aisyah Crsyhanty / Source:

5. Flaxseeds<br>
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