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How to Overcome Hair Loss Due to Contraceptive Use
How to Overcome Hair Loss Due to Contraceptive Use Hair Loss. (Source: Shutterstock)

Dream - Some women experience skin and hair problems during pregnancy due to iron deficiency. This can temporarily lower self-confidence.

The use of birth control pills can also cause hair loss, especially when taking oral contraceptives. According to Dermatologist Michele Green, hair will stay in the telogen phase longer when taking oral contraceptives, which affects hormonal conditions.

Normally, hair will fall out about 25-100 strands when entering the telogen phase and will soon grow back. Hair growth after this phase will take longer in women taking oral contraceptives.

This condition is not dangerous and is temporary, but it can have a negative impact if there is a history of baldness in the family. Consult the use of birth control pills and the condition of the skin and hair to maintain your appearance.

Hair Loss Due to Contraceptive Use

Hair Loss When Using Contraceptives

Hair Loss

Photo: Shutterstock

Hair loss usually occurs after finishing using birth control, but some also experience it when just starting to use contraception.

"This can happen because your birth control pills contain progestin, which contains androgens, male hormones. The presence of androgen receptors in birth control pills can cause hair loss," said Dr. Green as quoted from

Not all contraceptives contain progestin, so Dream Friends can choose different types of birth control to prevent or overcome hair loss.

The American Hair Loss Association (AHLA) recommends that women using oral contraceptives for contraception should use birth control pills with low androgen content. Use non-hormonal contraceptives if you have a history of hair loss in the family.

Hair Loss After Stopping Contraceptive Use

Hair loss that occurs after using birth control is called telogen effluvium. This condition occurs when someone experiences sudden stress, fever, surgery, and other hormonal changes.

This causes the hair to remain in the telogen phase for a long period of time and makes your hair fall out more than usual.

How to Overcome Hair Loss Due to Contraceptive Use

There are several things that can be done when experiencing severe hair loss. Focus on hair care and stress control to facilitate hair growth.

Hair Care

Photo: Shutterstock

Use Vitamins: Use hair vitamins that can nourish and have the right content for your scalp and hair needs.

Consume Healthy Foods: Consume healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits to meet the protein, calorie, vitamin, and mineral needs that are important for hair growth.

Reduce Stress: Control stress by exercising regularly and meditating to prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Avoid Using Hot Tools: Limit the use of hairdryers, straighteners, or hot tools for your hair. Avoid hair coloring or chemical treatments that can damage your hair. 

Report: Devi Tri Aprilianza

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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