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Rambut Berhijab Juga Perlu Dirawat, Apa Saja yang Bisa Dilakukan?

Who says that hair under a hijab is safe from problems? Even though it is covered and appears to be protected from dust and flying dirt, hijab-covered hair is actually more prone to sweating and becomes an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and germs. If not given proper care, this condition will eventually cause problems with the hair, such as dandruff, musty smell, and itchy scalp.

"Different from regular hair, hijab hair basically requires special care and cannot be taken lightly. Starting from using special hijab hair care products to changing daily habits. So, what can be done to maintain and preserve the natural beauty of hijab hair?"

1. Diligently Combing After Removing the Hijab

The first thing that can be done is to regularly comb the hair after removing the hijab. Hijabers usually tend to tie their hair to make it look neater and not come out of the hijab.

1. Diligently Combing After Removing the Hijab

Unfortunately, after removing the hijab, they usually neglect their own hair and leave it tied up all day. However, the hair that is tied up inside the hijab actually needs time to rest. This is to allow the hair to breathe and avoid damage and brittleness. Therefore, first untie your hair after removing the hijab, then comb it slowly until the hair is considered neat and tidy.

2. Wash with Special Hijab Hair Shampoo

Routine shampooing becomes the next thing that must be done by hijabers. Hair under hijab generally tends to sweat and become oily more easily. Therefore, they are advised to use shampoo with mild ingredients.

2. Keramas dengan Sampo Khusus Rambut Berhijab<br>

"Apparently, shampoos with lightweight ingredients are able to reduce the sensation of itchiness on the scalp caused by wearing a hijab. On the other hand, shampoos with harsh ingredients can actually make the hair dry quickly and easily damaged. It is also important to note that it is advisable not to shampoo too frequently. This is because it can actually have a negative impact on the health and beauty of the hair. Shampoo 2-3 times a week, using a suitable and appropriate hijab shampoo for the hair."

3. Let the Hair Dry Before Wearing Hijab

"Maybe some of you have the habit of wearing a hijab even though your hair is still wet after shampooing."

3. Let the Hair Dry Before Wearing Hijab

However, did you know that doing so is actually not recommended? Apart from making the hair damp, this habit can also cause the hair to easily develop fungus. Therefore, first dry the wet hair using a hairdryer or gently pat it dry with a towel.

4. Cut Hair Regularly

Cutting hair regularly is also mandatory to consider by hijabers. Cut the split and dry ends of the hair. This is necessary to keep the hair well-maintained and able to grow healthier.

4. Potong Rambut Secara Berkala<br>

That was a few tips that can be done to maintain hair under hijab. Even though it is not directly seen by others, taking care of hair under hijab should be a duty. Give proper attention and care to hair under hijab. So, the hair becomes healthier, well-maintained, and naturally beautiful. Good luck trying.

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