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Make and Melt on the Tongue, Ny Liem's Recipe for Grilled Banana Cake

Make and Melt on the Tongue, Ny Liem's Recipe for Grilled Banana Cake

Dream - Banana cake is usually a favorite snack to accompany coffee or tea in the afternoon. One of the famous variations of this cake is ala Ny Liem. It is very soft, sweet, and melts in the mouth. Actually, making this cake is not too complicated. On the contrary, the steps of making it are very simple, suitable for anyone who wants to taste the deliciousness of Ny Liem's baked banana cake at home. Check out the recipe.

Lembuat dan Meleleh di Lidah, Resep Bolu Pisang Panggang ala Ny Liem


Ingredient A: 200 grams of ripe raja bananas3 eggs or 80 grams244 grams of granulated sugar1 gram of salt1.5 grams of vanilla cream1 gram of saltIngredient B: 175 grams of Wijsman butter


Ingredient C: 245 grams of wheat flour / medium protein wheat flour3 grams of baking powder3 grams of baking soda, mix the three ingredients, then siftIngredient D: 4 grams of banana essence22.5 grams of evaporated milk

How to Make: Preheat the oven. This is the first step in every cake baking process to ensure that the oven reaches the desired temperature when the batter is ready. Begin by beating ingredient A at high speed for 10 minutes until it becomes fluffy. The batter is considered fluffy when its color changes to pale. Then, add ingredient B and beat for another 5-6 minutes. Reduce the mixer speed and gradually add ingredient C. Continue mixing until well combined.

Lembuat dan Meleleh di Lidah, Resep Bolu Pisang Panggang ala Ny Liem

Enter ingredient D, mix again at medium speed, just until smooth, no need to overdo it. Sometimes, if stirred excessively at this stage, the air content in the batter will be lost and the cake will not rise. Turn off the mixer, then stir again with a spatula, make sure all the ingredients are evenly mixed! Direct the spatula to the bottom of the bowl to ensure all the ingredients are mixed.

Prepare a tube pan, grease it with butter and sprinkle it with flour. You can also use baking spray. One recipe of this baked banana cake is enough to fill one pan. If you don't have a tube pan, bake it in any available pan. Make sure the size is appropriate and grease it to prevent sticking. Pour the batter into the pan, spread it evenly with a spatula. Don't forget to gently tap the pan to remove excess air bubbles.

Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 35 minutes. Make sure not to open the oven door too often so that the banana cake doesn't collapse. Because when you open the oven door too often, cold air from outside will enter and lower the temperature inside the oven. When the cake is cooked, remove it from the oven and tap it again to prevent it from collapsing. Don't rush to remove the banana cake from the pan, but wait until it cools down. Then decorate according to taste. Source: Diadona.

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