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"Initially Selling Fritters, This Woman Claims to Have Saved Rp1 Billion Before Graduating from College"

Dream - A woman can earn Rp1 billion before graduating from college. This sounds impossible, but she proved it with manifestation. Like in the video reposted on Instagram @ohmeygattm, a woman named Erika manifested a plastic piggy bank into the first Rp1 billion.

Berkat Manifestasi, Wanita Ini Bisa Nabung Rp1 Miliar Sebelum Lulus Kuliah

"Just admit it first, wkw. And it's fine to fake it 'til you make it 'til you do," said Erika, who wrote the words Rp1 billion on her plastic piggy bank. Turns out that manifestation became real. She successfully obtained her first Rp1 billion in her life. Even before getting a bachelor's degree."

Berkat Manifestasi, Wanita Ini Bisa Nabung Rp1 Miliar Sebelum Lulus Kuliah

"Didn't expect to get the first 1 million, even though I haven't graduated from college""
write Erika.


Need to know that manifestation is not magic, witchcraft, or witchcraft. Manifestation comes from the English language 'manifesting' which literally means realizing. According to the website, manifesting is making something a reality by utilizing our subconscious mind. By manifesting, our thoughts can be more focused on what we want to achieve. Manifestation must be accompanied by efforts to obtain it. Going back to Erika's story, what has she done to be able to get Rp1 billion?

Erika tells that during her college days, she started a business by selling fried snacks on her campus. Despite being underestimated by many, she continued to do it. "I was underestimated because I sold fried snacks on campus," she said.

Berkat Manifestasi, Wanita Ini Bisa Nabung Rp1 Miliar Sebelum Lulus Kuliah

In addition, he tries to venture into the health beauty field by producing natural herbal tea. He pioneered the healthypretea brand, which is intended for natural diet. "10 thousand people have proven its effectiveness themselves, waist circumference from 81 to 76," he wrote like a business owner promoting on social media.

Berkat Manifestasi, Wanita Ini Bisa Nabung Rp1 Miliar Sebelum Lulus Kuliah
Berkat Manifestasi, Wanita Ini Bisa Nabung Rp1 Miliar Sebelum Lulus Kuliah

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The wealth keeps flowing into Erika's wallet. From there, she can utilize the results of her efforts to help her parents and family. One tip she conveyed to receive abundant blessings is to prioritize family, especially parents."

This woman even easily transferred Rp100 million to her father who is in urgent need. "Dad, I urgently need Rp100 million," her father asked in a chat. "Okay, Dad, I will transfer it tomorrow," Ika said.

Berkat Manifestasi, Wanita Ini Bisa Nabung Rp1 Miliar Sebelum Lulus Kuliah
Berkat Manifestasi, Wanita Ini Bisa Nabung Rp1 Miliar Sebelum Lulus Kuliah

"Besides that, she also helps her parents to sacrifice and others. As a result, this woman can also graduate from college with her own expenses. "Finally, I can graduate with my own bachelor's degree using my own expenses," she expressed."

In the video, she showed that she can now travel and live on her own money. Until now, she has started a new journey by working in Australia. "And now starting a new journey by working in Australia," said Erika.

Berkat Manifestasi, Wanita Ini Bisa Nabung Rp1 Miliar Sebelum Lulus Kuliah
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