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"Can Sacrifice Be Done by Borrowing? This is the Explanation from the Scholars"

Dream - Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha every year by performing voluntary prayers and sacrificing animals. The recommendation to sacrifice is advised for Muslims who are able to purchase livestock for slaughter. So, what is the ruling if one buys a sacrificial animal by borrowing money?

Can You Sacrifice by Borrowing? Here's the Explanation

According to NU Online, it is not obligatory to sacrifice oneself. This is based on a hadith narrated by Imam Baihaqi and others with a reliable chain of narration. "Indeed, Abu Bakr and Umar both used to not sacrifice because they were afraid that people would consider it as an obligation." (HR: Al-Baihaqi). This hadith provides an understanding that the original ruling of sacrifice is not obligatory, but rather recommended. The address of the recommended sacrifice is for those who are capable.

Regarding someone who is considered capable of sacrificing, they are those who have wealth exceeding their own needs and the needs of those who are obligated to be supported. As explained by Imam Az-Zarkaysi, quoted by Imam Khatib as-Syarbini in his book.

Can You Sacrifice by Borrowing? Here's the Explanation

"Imam Az-Zarkasyi said: "And the sacrifice is required to be the excess of a person's needs and the needs of the people he must fulfill. Like the explanation that has been mentioned in the discussion of voluntary charity, because the sacrifice is a type of charity.""

Can You Sacrifice by Borrowing? Here's the Explanation

"It seems (as mentioned by Az-Zarkasyi above) that this is sufficient, that the sacrificial offering is the remainder of what is needed (clothing and food) during the night and day, as explained earlier, in the chapter on voluntary charity. And it is appropriate for the sacrificial offering to be the remainder of the needs (clothing and food) during the celebration of Eid al-Adha and the days of Tasyrik, because that is the time for sacrificing." (Syamsuddin Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Khatib as-Syarbini, Muhnil Mughtaj, [Beirut, Darul Kutub Ilmiyah: 1994 M], volume VI page 123)."

This explanation provides an understanding that a person who is capable of sacrificing is someone who, after sacrificing their wealth, still has enough left for their own clothing, food, and the needs of others that they must fulfill during the days of the Eid al-Adha and the three days of Tasyrik.

Can You Sacrifice by Borrowing? Here's the Explanation

Then, about someone who does not have the means to buy sacrificial animals, but insists on sacrificing by borrowing, it is better not to do it.

Can You Sacrifice by Borrowing? Here's the Explanation

This is as explained in the Fatawa Darul Ifta' Yordan, published on 11 November 2013 with fatwa number 2856 as follows: "Whoever does not have wealth equivalent to the price of a sacrificial animal and still has enough to support himself and his family, then he is not capable. It is more important for him not to incur debt for the purpose of sacrifice. Because by doing so, he has put himself in a situation beyond his capabilities. And it is feared that he will not be able to fulfill it due to death or other reasons."

"And however, if someone sacrifices with lawful wealth and the requirements are fulfilled, then God willing, the sacrifice will be accepted, even if they have to borrow to buy it and burden themselves with something that is not obligatory for them."

"quoted from NU Online."

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