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Gaji PNS Naik 8% di Tahun 2024, Segini Nominalnya

"Salary of Civil Servants Increases by 8% in 2024, This is the Amount"

"Dream - The salaries of civil servants (PNS) in 2024 will increase by 8 percent. Not only PNS, but also pensioners' salaries will increase by 12 percent. This increase was officially announced by President Joko Widodo last August. 'The 2024 State Budget Proposal suggests income improvements in the form of an 8 percent salary increase for central and regional civil servants/armed forces/police, and a 12 percent increase for pensioners,' said Jokowi on Wednesday, August 16, 2023, as quoted from"

"Reason for Increase"

The government raises civil servant salaries with the reason to ensure effective implementation of the transformation.

Jokowi hopes that the salary of civil servants can improve performance as well as accelerate economic transformation and national development. Therefore, bureaucratic reform must be continuously strengthened in order to realize an efficient, competent, professional, and integrity-based central and regional bureaucracy. "The implementation of bureaucratic reform must be consistently carried out and effective. Improvements in welfare, allowances, and remuneration for civil servants are based on productivity performance," said Jokowi.

Gaji PNS Naik 8% di Tahun 2024, Segini Nominalnya

However, the government has not yet issued the latest Government Regulation (PP) in line with the amount of civil servant salaries. Currently, the amount of civil servant salaries is still regulated in Government Regulation Number 15 of 2019 concerning the Eighteenth Amendment to Government Regulation Number 7 of 1977 concerning Civil Servant Salary Regulations.

"Salary of Civil Servants Before Increase"

In the PP, the salary range for civil servants of grade IA-ID is from the lowest to the highest at Rp1,560,800-Rp2,686,500. Next, the salary for civil servants of grade IIA-IID is between Rp2,022,200-Rp3,820,000. Furthermore, the salary for civil servants of grade IIIA-IIID ranges from Rp2,579,400-Rp4,797,000. Meanwhile, the salary for civil servants of grade IVA-IV is in the range of Rp3,044,300-Rp5,901,200.

Gaji PNS Naik 8% di Tahun 2024, Segini Nominalnya

"Salary Range of Civil Servants Increases by 8 Percent"

Then what is the estimated salary range for civil servants if it increases by 8 percent in 2024? Here is the range. This calculation is only a rough estimate. The amount of salary increase for civil servants in 2024 awaits official regulations from the government. Based on calculations by, if the salary of civil servants increases by 8 percent, the salary range for grade IA-ID is around Rp1,685,664 - Rp2,901,420.

Meanwhile, civil servants in grade IIA-IID range from Rp2,183,976 to Rp4,125,600. Then, the salary of civil servants in grade IIIA becomes Rp2,785,752, while grade IIID becomes Rp5,180,760. As for the salary of civil servants in grade IVA-IVE, it ranges from Rp3,287,844 to Rp6,373,296.

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