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Invited by PM Netanyahu to the City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israel's Military Attack.

Invited by PM Netanyahu to the City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israel's Military Attack.

Invited by PM Netanyahu to a City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israeli Military Attack

Dream - Technology billionaire and the richest person in the world, Elon Musk, expressed his support for Israel in its fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The support was given after CEO X (formerly Twitter) met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, November 27, 2023.

This visit occurred amidst controversy over Musk's statements that sparked anger as they were deemed anti-Semitic. In his post, Musk reaffirmed conspiracy theories about white people in the West being replaced by immigrants in the South with the help of Jews.

Invited by PM Netanyahu to a City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israeli Military Attack
Invited by PM Netanyahu to a City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israeli Military Attack

Reported by Aljazeera, Musk met Netanyahu in a kibbutz that was targeted by an armed Palestinian group on October 7th.

Invited by PM Netanyahu to a City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israeli Military Attack

After touring the destroyed Kfar Aza kibbutz with Netanyahu, Musk said in a conversation with the prime minister at X Spaces that "it is very shocking to see the massacre" and that Israel has no "other choice" but to eliminate Hamas.

Invited by PM Netanyahu to a City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israeli Military Attack

The visit was made on the fourth day of the ongoing ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. During this period, Hamas released dozens of prisoners in exchange for the release of Palestinian detainees.

Musk is also scheduled to meet with Israeli President Isaac Herzog, whom the Palace previously stated that the meeting would underscore the "need to act to combat the increasing online anti-Semitism."

Invited by PM Netanyahu to a City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israeli Military Attack
Invited by PM Netanyahu to a City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israeli Military Attack

Under Musk's leadership, critics say that social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, has experienced an increase in hate speech and anti-Semitism content.

"Several companies have also suspended advertisements on the platform after a report accused X of running their ads alongside neo-Nazi and white nationalist content. X Corp is currently suing the nonprofit organization Media Matters, alleging that they have driven away advertisers by portraying the site as full of anti-Semitic content."

"Musk threatens to file a lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish advocacy group, over its claim that problematic and racist remarks have surged on the website since he completed his acquisition worth US$44 billion."

Invited by PM Netanyahu to a City Attacked by Hamas, CEO X Elon Musk Supports Israeli Military Attack
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