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Started This Year, This is How Hajj Pilgrims Can Pay Installments Using the Top Up System.

Started This Year, This is How Hajj Pilgrims Can Pay Installments Using the Top Up System.

Starting This Year, Here's How Pilgrims Can Pay for Hajj in Installments Using the Top Up System

Dream - Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas revealed the installment scheme for the payment of hajj fees or costs in 1445 Hijriah/2024. He conveyed that the payment of hajj fees by pilgrims will implement a top-up system.

"Top up, the system is top up. There are no regulations, so it's not like last year or before where you have to pay in full once."

The translated text while preserving the HTML tags would be: "words Minister of Religious Affairs after attending the Meeting on Determination of Hajj Implementation Costs with the Eighth Commission of the People's Representative Council (DPR), Monday, November 27, 2023 quoted from"

Seperti Menabung Menggunakan Virtual Account

"Like Saving Using Virtual Account"

He conveyed that in the future, the mechanism implemented will be similar to depositing funds in a Virtual Account (VA) for each congregation, without any specified amount.

"It's like we're saving money in our own accounts, the deadline for repayment will be determined on the final payment date, we will decide when it should be completed there,""
"ungkap Yaqut" translates to "revealed Yaqut" in English.


"Each has their own VA, they submit it to their own bank account,"
"sambungnya" translates to "continue" in English.


"Penetapan Biaya Haji Lebih Cepat" translates to "Faster Determination of Hajj Cost" in English.

The Chairman of the VIII Commission of the Indonesian Parliament, Ashabul Kahfi, also revealed the reason for the earlier determination of the Cost of Hajj Implementation (BPIH) this year compared to the previous year, which is only 15 calendar days or 11 working days. "One of the motivations is to provide the opportunity for prospective pilgrims to prepare for the full payment and installment from now on," he said.


"Payment After Passing Health Check"

In this new regulation, pilgrims can settle the hajj payment after passing the health check. Previously, pilgrims had to pay in advance before their health was checked. "If they have not fulfilled the Istithaah, there will be certain treatments until it is decided to be checked again whether they can depart or not Istithaah," said Yaqut.

Starting This Year, Here's How Pilgrims Can Pay for Hajj in Installments Using the Top Up System

"If the health condition of the pilgrims does not meet the criteria and requirements, then the departure for the Hajj pilgrimage will be postponed to the following years. 'If they are not physically fit, then it might be postponed to the following year,' said Yaqut."

"However, according to Yaqut, there is no age restriction for pilgrims. Because, everything depends on their health condition. 'So Istithaah is not related to age. It is not necessarily that someone who is 70 or 80 years old is less healthy than someone of my age,' said the man who is familiarly called Gusmen. 'This is one of our ways to provide better service and prevent minimizing the death of pilgrims last year,' concluded Yaqut."

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