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The translation of the given text is:

The translation of the given text is: "Online Shopping Transactions Reached Rp42.2 Trillion in Just One Month."

Proof that Indonesians Love Online Shopping, BI Reveals Fantastic Value of e-Commerce Transactions in a Month

Dream - Although the Covid-19 pandemic has long passed, the habit of Indonesian society to shop online has never disappeared, even increasing. Bank Indonesia (BI) recorded that e-commerce transactions in October 2023 alone reached Rp42.2 trillion with 361.54 million transactions.

"If you want to multiply it by the average of approximately 12 (months) in a year. The value of Rp42.2 trillion is the transaction in one month, which is October."

The text translates to: "The words of the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo, were quoted from, Friday, November 24, 2023."


Perry mentioned that the relatively cheap prices of goods in e-commerce support efforts to control inflation, especially the prices of daily necessities such as fashion, personal care products, food, beverages, and electronic goods.

Proof that Indonesians Love Online Shopping, BI Reveals Fantastic Value of e-Commerce Transactions in a Month

"The traded goods components also support inflation control. That is why we continue to accelerate financial digitalization because of its many benefits,""

kata Perry.

Proof that Indonesians Love Online Shopping, BI Reveals Fantastic Value of e-Commerce Transactions in a Month

Meanwhile, Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Filianingsih Hendarta, stated that fashion products, personal care and cosmetics, as well as household and office needs, are the largest categories in e-commerce transactions.

"There are two things that cause (the high transactions), first the acceptance for shopping in e-commerce is increasingly widespread. Second, there are promotions on twin dates,"

word Fili.


Perry said, e-commerce transactions increase the speed of money circulation, thus boosting efficiency and productivity. "Because in the past, if people wanted to shop, they had to go out and go to the store. The transaction volume took time. Whereas with this (e-commerce), it can be faster so that the circulation of money not only happens in transactions but also between buyers and sellers," said Perry.

Proof that Indonesians Love Online Shopping, BI Reveals Fantastic Value of e-Commerce Transactions in a Month

According to him, the benefits of digitalization also drive the economy because transaction turnover can be faster, the turnover of money between buyers, sellers, and financial institutions is faster, and it can support a decrease in inflation.

"Moreover, with the presence of payment systems through QRIS and BI fast, which can complete transactions quickly. While if through the national payment gateway (GPN), indeed transaction settlements require time. That's why we will integrate both," said Perry.

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