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"Jokowi Responds to Anies' Criticism Regarding the Salary Increase of TNI-Polri, SBY Era is Better"

Jokowi Balas Kritik Anies Soal Kenaikan Gaji TNI-Polri Era SBY Lebih Baik

"Dream - Jokowi speaks up regarding Anies Baswedan's statement, which compares the salary increase of civil servants (ASN) and the Indonesian National Armed Forces-Police (TNI-Polri) during his presidency with the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)."

Jokowi Balas Kritik Anies Soal Kenaikan Gaji TNI-Polri Era SBY Lebih Baik

Anies delivered that statement during the third debate of the 2024 Presidential Election at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, on Sunday, January 7, 2024. According to candidate number 1, the increase in salaries for civil servants (ASN) and the TNI-Polri during the SBY era happened more frequently compared to the Jokowi leadership.

However, Jokowi explained that every government decision always considers the economic conditions and the country's financial situation. According to the president, whose full name is Joko Widodo, when he was in office, Indonesia was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and experienced the impact of the world trade war.

"We have decided to raise or not raise everything definitely with careful consideration. If the fiscal is under pressure from external factors, such as yesterday's Covid-19 and trade wars,"
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "words Jokowi after inaugurating the Toll Road in Depok, West Java, Monday, January 8, 2024."



Therefore, government policies regarding fiscal matters cannot be done haphazardly and require careful consideration.

Jokowi Balas Kritik Anies Soal Kenaikan Gaji TNI-Polri Era SBY Lebih Baik

"Then due to geopolitics that is not possible, we cannot do it. Everything is done with careful considerations and calculations."
"ujar Jokowi" translates to "said Jokowi" in English.

"" (no translation needed as it is a website URL)

Jokowi Balas Kritik Anies Soal Kenaikan Gaji TNI-Polri Era SBY Lebih Baik

"Previously, Anies highlighted the issue of welfare and salary increase for members of the TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) and Polri (Indonesian National Police). This was revealed in the third Presidential Election Debate tonight."

"TNI, our soldiers and police officers are all working extraordinarily in the field, we must give respect and gratitude because they are doing difficult and heavy tasks."
word Anies.


According to him, there is a significant comparison between the Jokowi and SBY eras regarding the increase in salaries for the TNI/Polri. During the SBY era, for example, members of the TNI/Polri received a salary increase of up to 9 times. Whereas in the Jokowi era, it was only 3 times. "But from a policy perspective, it is even worse, why? In the SBY era, salary increases occurred 9 times, during this era (Jokowi) it only increased 3 times and will increase later because it may increase before the elections," said Anies.

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