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Control of the National Defense System, Ganjar Pranowo Wants Indonesia to Have a Cyber Ambassador

Control of the National Defense System, Ganjar Pranowo Wants Indonesia to Have a Cyber Ambassador

"Dream - Presidential candidate number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, pays deep attention to Indonesia's efforts in maintaining national cyber defense. These efforts can be carried out by enhancing the capacity and capability of the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) in safeguarding cyber defense in the homeland. This statement was conveyed by the Presidential candidate from Pair Number 03 during the panelists' question and answer session at the Presidential Debate for the 2024 Election, held at Istora Senayan on Sunday, January 7, 2023."

"BSSN and HRD"

"First, we assign BSSN (National Cyber and Encryption Agency). It is important to strengthen a good security system, human resources (SDM), and good infrastructure," emphasized Ganjar.

Apart from BSSN and improving its human resources quality, Ganjar also emphasized that Indonesia needs to strengthen itself in efforts to protect against cyber attacks. To further amplify this matter, a cyber ambassador is needed.

Monitor National Defense System, Ganjar Pranowo Wants Indonesia to Have Cyber Ambassadors
Monitor National Defense System, Ganjar Pranowo Wants Indonesia to Have Cyber Ambassadors

"The police need to be strengthened with a cyber institution led by a cyber institution. We need a Cyber Ambassador," he emphasized.

Monitor National Defense System, Ganjar Pranowo Wants Indonesia to Have Cyber Ambassadors

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The Presidential Candidate Debate tonight is the third time in the Presidential Election (Pilpres) 2024 stage. Specifically for the Presidential Candidates, this debate is the second time for the contestants to compete in vision and mission."

The third Presidential debate in 2024 takes five sub-themes that must be conveyed by the three Presidential candidates. Those five sub-themes are defense and security, international relations and globalization, as well as geopolitics and foreign politics. In this debate session, 11 panelists are also present to ask questions to be answered by the Presidential candidates.

LIVE EXCLUSIVE: Third Presidential Candidate Debate for the 2024 Election

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