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The following 'Bahasa' text has been translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags:

The following 'Bahasa' text has been translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Program Prakerja 2024 Has Been Opened! Check the Requirements Below"

Dream - Program Prakerja is an Indonesian government program aimed at improving the skills and competitiveness of the workforce in this country. This program has been launched since 2020 and will continue until 2024. In this program, the government provides training funds assistance to participants so that they can participate in training that suits their needs and interests.

Currently, the government is reopening registration for the 2024 Pre-Employment Program. The aim is to provide opportunities for Indonesian citizens to improve their skills and receive training that is in line with the needs of the job market. This initiative aims to enhance the quality of the Indonesian workforce so that they can compete in the era of globalization and the industrial revolution 4.0.

Program Prakerja 2024 Telah Dibuka! Cek Persyaratannya Berikut

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The requirements to participate in the Pre-employment Program 2024 are quite simple. To find out more details, please check the following requirements!"

1. Warga Negara Indonesia

1. Indonesian Citizen

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The 2024 Pre-employment Program can only be participated by Indonesian citizens who possess an Identity Card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk or KTP)."

2. Usia 18 Tahun sampai 64 Tahun

2. Age 18 Years to 64 Years

Participants who want to register for the Prakerja 2024 program must be at least 18 years old or maximum 64 years old.

3. Not Working or Unemployed

This program is specifically intended for those who are unemployed or currently jobless. Participants are expected to provide evidence that they are not currently employed or have a permanent job.


4. Having Internet Connection and Computer Devices

Given that the training will be conducted online, participants are required to have stable internet access and adequate computer or smartphone devices.


5. Having a Bank Account

Participants must have a personal bank account to receive training funds assistance. This is important to ensure transparency and efficiency in the distribution of funds.

5. Having a Bank Account

6. Not a Government Official

The translated text in English while preserving the HTML tags is: "Participants who register are not government officials, members of the DPR, civil servants, military/police officers, and village heads or officials."


7. Maximum of 2 ID numbers in 1 household.

The translation of the given Bahasa text to English while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: "The requirements for registering the Prakerja 2024 program are that a maximum of 2 NIK within 1 KK can become recipients of the Prakerja Card."


"Online Registration"

To register for the Pre-Employment Program 2024, Sahabat Dream can easily do it online through the official website https:\/\/\/. Make sure you fill out the registration form carefully and accurately. After the registration process is complete, you will go through a selection stage that includes data verification and determination of beneficiary groups.

After successfully passing the selection, participants will be granted access to an online learning platform that contains various trainings and courses that can be chosen according to their interests and needs. In addition, participants will also receive training funds assistance amounting to Rp 3,550,000 which can be used to pay for training expenses, such as registration fees, learning materials, and certification.

"In the digital era and the industrial revolution 4.0, technology skills and innovation are very important. The Prakerja 2024 program provides participants with the opportunity to participate in training in various fields, such as information technology, digital marketing, graphic design, business management, and others."

Program Prakerja 2024 Telah Dibuka! Cek Persyaratannya Berikut

With the Pre-Employment Program 2024, the government aims to reduce unemployment, enhance the workforce, and drive economic growth. This is a tangible step to prepare society for the future. For those who want new skills, the Pre-Employment Program 2024 is an opportunity that must not be missed.

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