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120 Kata Bijak Hiduplah Sesuai Kemampuan, Tetap Optimis dengan Segala Keterbatasan

"120 Words of Wisdom, Live According to Your Abilities, Stay Optimistic with All Limitations"

The following collection of wise words can remind us in the midst of this crazy consumerism and hedonism.

120 Kata Bijak Hiduplah Sesuai Kemampuan, Tetap Optimis dengan Segala Keterbatasan

Dream - There are many wise words about living according to one's abilities that inspire and motivate. Wise words about living according to these abilities can be both motivation and a reminder to live life better.

No need for complicated words, because with simple words alone, we can touch hearts and provide deep meaning. Even one wise word that suits our abilities is enough to change our perspective on a situation or problem that we are facing. Here are 100 wise words that can remind us to live according to our abilities in the midst of this crazy consumerism and hedonism.

"Wise words, live according to your abilities."

1. Live simply, because true happiness can be found in small things. 2. Be humble, because arrogance will only damage the heart and mind. 3. Never blame others, but seek solutions to every problem faced. 4. Strive to always be grateful, because gratitude will make life more meaningful.

5. Value time, because time that has passed will never come back.
6. Do not follow other people's opinions too much, but follow your own conscience.
7. Forgive, because forgiving will bring peace to the heart.
8. Live with love and compassion, because love is the key to happiness.
9. Be yourself, because every individual has their own uniqueness and strengths.

10. Accept yourself as you are, because true happiness begins with self-acceptance. 11. Surround yourself with positive people, as they will provide positive energy. 12. Don't focus too much on material success, but instead focus on happiness and inner well-being. 13. Create peace within yourself, so you can bring peace to others. 14. Be a hard worker, but also maintain a balance between work and rest.

15. Accept failure as part of the learning process, not as the end of everything. 16. Befriend silence, because in silence we can find peace. 17. Be simple in speaking, because wise words often come from silence. 18. Do not compare yourself to others, but focus on becoming the best version of yourself.

120 Kata Bijak Hiduplah Sesuai Kemampuan, Tetap Optimis dengan Segala Keterbatasan

19. Live with gratitude, because gratitude will transform what you have into enough.
20. Accept that life is full of surprises, and prepare yourself to face various changes.

Live According to Your Abilities

1. The ability to remain calm in the midst of a storm is the greatest wisdom. 2. Be grateful for what you have, do not complain too often. 3. Various difficulties are tests, face them with a cool head. 4. Do not easily get provoked emotionally, stay calm in facing problems.

5. Do not expect too much from others, learn to be independent. 6. Do not compare yourself too much with others, everyone has their own destiny. 7. Live with full of enthusiasm and optimism, despite many obstacles. 8. Sadness and failure are part of life, learn to rise. 9. Do not let ego hinder your happiness and relationships with others. 10. Do not procrastinate in doing good things, because time will never wait.

11. Be friends with kindness, even though there are many evils around you. 12. Always remember to be grateful and not easily give up in facing life. 13. Stay humble even though you have achieved success. 14. Don't just live for yourself, take the time to help others. 15. Accept reality with an open heart, and learn to move on. 16. There is no need to blame yourself too often, learn to forgive yourself.

17. Be a wise person and not easily influenced by temptations. 18. Live by the principle that hard work will definitely yield results. 19. Be someone who can inspire others with your actions and words. 20. Don't forget to always be grateful for the blessings that Allah has given, live according to your abilities and don't be arrogant.

"Wise words, live according to your abilities."

1. Live according to the set limits, do not be too ambitious. 2. Accept the fact that not everything can be achieved in life. 3. Sometimes, limitations are a test to train patience. 4. The key is to remain grateful for what we have.


5. Stay humble even when you have reached the set limits. 6. Accept that true happiness is not always related to material success. 7. Limits can help us focus our lives on things that are truly important. 8. Live within your means, do not push yourself too hard to achieve something. 9. Stay optimistic even when there are limitations in life. 10. Do not focus too much on what we cannot do, but focus on what we can do.

11. Limitations are a reminder that we are also humans who have limitations. 12. Live with a never-give-up attitude even when faced with limitations. 13. Limitations are not the end of everything, but the beginning of new possibilities. 14. Do not let limitations break our spirit to keep trying. 15. Be a person full of patience and perseverance in facing limitations.

16. When we have reached our limits, make it an opportunity to learn from failure. 17. Live according to your abilities and do not compare yourself too much with others. 18. Limits are part of the journey of life that must be accepted with an open heart. 19. Be a person who remains grateful even when faced with limitations in life. 20. Live with the principle that true happiness is accepting all the limitations that exist.

"Wise words, live according to your abilities."

1. The limitations in life are tests that we must face. 2. Live according to your abilities, don't push yourself too hard. 3. Accept limitations as part of growth and learning. 4. Don't feel restricted by limitations, but take them as challenges to grow. 5. Every limitation will shape our character and personality.

6. Life without limits is not a real life. 7. Do not blame limitations, but use them to become better. 8. When there are limitations, seek creative ways out. 9. Limitations can be a driver to achieve goals in different ways. 10. Live with humility, so that limitations do not make us feel inferior.

11. Be wise in managing existing limits. 12. In life, limits are part of the process towards success. 13. Appreciate every limit, as it will make us appreciate the results obtained. 14. Do not let limits stop our steps, but make them as motivation to keep moving forward. 15. Limits are a fuel for us to reach our dreams. 16. Live peacefully even when faced with existing limits.

17. Limitations are friends who teach us to be more patient. 18. Do not let yourself be trapped in limitations, but find solutions to release them. 19. Live wisely in facing limitations, so that we can still be happy. 20. Sometimes, limitations are protections from things we are not aware of.

"Wise Words, Live According to Your Abilities"

1. Live according to your abilities, but never regret dreams that have not been achieved. 2. Every difficulty is a test to become stronger and wiser. 3. Never give up, because success does not come instantly. 4. Be grateful for what you have, but continue to strive for something better.


5. Every failure is a valuable lesson to achieve success in the future. 6. Dare to take risks is the first step towards real success. 7. Don't focus too much on negative things, but see everything from a positive perspective. 8. Smile, because your smile can be a source of happiness for others. 9. Success will not come to those who wait, but to those who dare to move forward.

10. Live with love and compassion, because love is the key to true happiness. 11. Do not waste every opportunity, because time will never come back. 12. Be kind to everyone, because kindness will always bring goodness. 13. Stay humble even after achieving success, because arrogance will only bring loss. 14. Be a person who never gives up, because perseverance is the key to achieving dreams.

15. Dare to start is the first step towards achieving greatness. 16. Don't let failure stop you, but use it as motivation to rise again. 17. Stay focused on your goals, as it will help you overcome obstacles and barriers. 18. Live with gratitude, because gratitude will bring immeasurable happiness. 19. Be a persistent and determined individual in pursuing your dreams.

Bersiaplah untuk meraih yang terbaik, karena masa depan adalah milik mereka yang berani bermimpi dan berusaha.

Get ready to achieve the best, because the future belongs to those who dare to dream and strive.

"Wise words, live according to your abilities"

1. Do your best according to your abilities. 2. Do not compare your life with others, everyone has a different journey. 3. Believe that every effort you make will never be in vain. 4. Keep moving forward even when it feels difficult at times. 5. Chase your dreams diligently and consistently.

6. Don't let obstacles become barriers to achieving success. 7. Live with enthusiasm and optimism. 8. Never give up even though often feeling desperate. 9. Success is not only the result of luck, but also hard work and perseverance. 10. Don't focus too much on failure, but learn from it to become better. 11. Always be grateful for what you already have, but keep striving for something better.

12. Don't be afraid to try new things even if they feel challenging. 13. Build a positive and optimistic mindset. 14. Believe that there is always a way out of every obstacle. 15. Discipline and consistency are the keys to achieving success. 16. Stay humble even when you have achieved success. 17. Give your best in everything, no matter how small it may be.

18. Be a resilient person in facing all challenges. 19. Do not let problems dominate your mind, but face them with a cool head. 20. Enjoy the process of the journey towards success, not just the end result.

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