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Bantah Terowongan Tol Cisumdawu Retak Akibat Gempa Sumedang, Kementerian PUPR Sebut Cuma Akumulasi Debu yang Terbang

Deny Cisumdawu Toll Tunnel Cracks Due to Sumedang Earthquake, Ministry of PUPR Says It's Only Accumulated Flying Dust.

Dream - An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.8 that struck Sumedang Regency, West Java on the night of December 31, 2023, reportedly caused cracks in the twin tunnel walls of the Cisumdawu Toll Road. The cracks seen in several parts of the tunnel walls did not have a significant impact on the toll road's operation. Minister of Public Works and Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, denied in his statement that the Cisumdawu tunnel had experienced any cracks.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono denies the disintegration.

"That is not a crack. It is a segmented construction, those segments, so the connections," said Basuki Hadimuljono in Banyumas, Central Java, quoted from, January 3, 2024."

Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono Bantah Keretakan

Furthermore, Basuki ensures that the public can only see the connections in the tunnel when an earthquake occurs. Conversely, if the condition is normal, he believes that the public will not pay too much attention to the condition of the wall.

Bantah Terowongan Tol Cisumdawu Retak Akibat Gempa Sumedang, Kementerian PUPR Sebut Cuma Akumulasi Debu yang Terbang

"Although ensuring that there are no cracks in the walls of the Cisumdawu tunnel, the Minister of PUPR said that his ministry is not complacent with the news. The Ministry of PUPR will investigate the conditions on the field. "But it is safe to pass, still safe to pass," said Basuki."

Bantah Terowongan Tol Cisumdawu Retak Akibat Gempa Sumedang, Kementerian PUPR Sebut Cuma Akumulasi Debu yang Terbang

The Director General of Highways of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Hedy Rahadian, is also aware of the viral news stating that the Cisumdawu Toll Tunnel has cracked due to the Sumedang earthquake.

Bantah Terowongan Tol Cisumdawu Retak Akibat Gempa Sumedang, Kementerian PUPR Sebut Cuma Akumulasi Debu yang Terbang

"We check, it's not a crack. It's an accumulation of flying dust, gathered there because the joint is not very smooth."

"katanya." translates to "he/she said."

Bantah Terowongan Tol Cisumdawu Retak Akibat Gempa Sumedang, Kementerian PUPR Sebut Cuma Akumulasi Debu yang Terbang

"However, he said that his party is currently conducting further investigation to determine whether there are any dangerous cracks or none. In this regard, he said that his party is also investigating at other locations and the results will be reported soon. 'We will report it later when there are results,' said Hedy."

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