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Official Attitude of McDonald's Indonesia Regarding McDonald's Israel's Free Food Assistance to the Army

Official Attitude of McDonald's Indonesia Regarding McDonald's Israel's Free Food Assistance to the Army

Sikap Resmi McDonald's Indonesia Soal Bantuan Mc'Donald Israel ke Tentara: `Simpati Kami Tujukan Kepara Para Korban`

Dream - McDonald's Israel's decision to provide food assistance to soldiers involved in the conflict in Palestine has had a ripple effect on the entire fast food network. After the Middle East and Malaysia, McDonald's Indonesia, under PT Rekso Nasional Food, recently issued its official statement.

Sikap Resmi McDonald's Indonesia Soal Bantuan Mc'Donald Israel ke Tentara: `Simpati Kami Tujukan Kepara Para Korban`

PT Rekso Nasional Food affirms that McDonald's operating in Indonesia is a national private company, fully owned by native Indonesian entrepreneurs, with a workforce of over 16,000 local employees.

"McDonald's Indonesia is an entity that operates independently and is not affiliated with the operational activities or decisions of McDonald's in other countries, including McDonald's Israel," wrote McDonald's in an official Instagram post @mcdonaldsid, quoted on Wednesday, October 25, 2023."

write McDonald's in the official Instagram post @mcdonaldsid, quoted Wednesday, October 25, 2023.


McDonald's Indonesia also expressed its concern about the escalation of the conflict in the Middle East. It is known that more than 4,600 Palestinian citizens have been killed in the bombings carried out by Israel, according to the Aljazeera Report. Israel stated that they targeted Hamas fighters who killed more than 1,400 people in the October 7 attack in southern Israel.

Sikap Resmi McDonald's Indonesia Soal Bantuan Mc'Donald Israel ke Tentara: `Simpati Kami Tujukan Kepara Para Korban`

"As a franchise holder with a role in developing the McDonald's network in Indonesia, for us, the community is the heart of the company's business. Our sympathy is dedicated to the victims, their families, and the affected communities,""

write McDonald's Indonesia.


McDonald's Indonesia says it will continue to strive to be a positive part of the communities where they operate, in line with the philosophy of "Good Intentions, Good Results" taught by their founders. "Our dedication is fully focused on providing a McDonald's experience that is loved and trusted by customers," writes McDonald's Indonesia.

Sikap Resmi McDonald's Indonesia Soal Bantuan Mc'Donald Israel ke Tentara: `Simpati Kami Tujukan Kepara Para Korban`

"Previously, McDonald's Israel faced criticism after deciding to provide free food to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) or the Israeli army after the outbreak of war against Hamas. The action of McDonald's operating in Israel has sparked calls for boycott from netizens around the world."

Sikap Resmi McDonald's Indonesia Soal Bantuan Mc'Donald Israel ke Tentara: `Simpati Kami Tujukan Kepara Para Korban`
Sikap Resmi McDonald's Indonesia Soal Bantuan Mc'Donald Israel ke Tentara: `Simpati Kami Tujukan Kepara Para Korban`

In a series of posts on Instagram, McDonald's Israel stated that they have donated thousands of free meals to the Israeli Defense Forces soldiers and hospitals.

"Update that yesterday we have donated 4000 meals to hospitals and military units, we intend to donate thousands of meals every day to soldiers in the field and in training areas, and this is in addition to the discount for soldiers who come to the restaurant. We have opened 5 restaurants that are only open for this purpose,"

write a post McDonald's Israel on Instagram.


Various netizens on social media X (previously Twitter) criticized the fast food franchise. One of them wrote that McDonald's should not be involved in the conflict between two warring parties and has claimed many lives. "McDonald's provides free food to the IDF (Israeli military forces). We should stand firm on our principles and take action in accordance with our beliefs. Let's boycott McDonald's for supporting a company involved in conflict, especially when it involves the loss of innocent lives," wrote one user X, as quoted from News Week.

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