New Rules Signed, Social Media Stubbornly Selling Like TikTok Will Be Closed.
Kemendag will issue revised regulations Permendag 50 Number 50 Year 2020.
Kemendag will issue revised regulations Permendag 50 Number 50 Year 2020.
Dream - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) will sign a regulation to prohibit buying and selling transactions of goods and services on social media, such as TikTok. This regulation will be included in the revision of the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 50 of 2020 concerning electronic commerce. The Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hassan (Zulhas), even threatened to close social media platforms if they violate these rules. He ensures that this revision of Permendag will be signed on Monday, September 25, 2023.
The text translates to: "Zulhas said at the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta, quoted from, Monday, September 25, 2023."
"If there is anyone who violates this week, of course, I will send a letter to Kominfo (Ministry of Communication and Information) to warn them. After being warned, what else is there? Shut down," he continued.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, stated that President Jokowi requested for social media and e-commerce platforms, such as TikTok, to be separated. This is because currently, many social media platforms want to follow the TikTok trend, which includes buying and selling activities. "So there is regulation through the platform, the President's direction is clear that social commerce must be separated from e-commerce, and there are already many social commerce platforms that want to have transaction applications," explained Teten.
Zulkifli added, in the future social media (medsos) will only be allowed to promote goods or services, like advertisements on television. "It (social commerce) is only allowed for promotion like television. Television can have advertisements, but television cannot accept money. So it is like a digital platform. So its task is to promote," he explained.
According to Zulhas, in the revision of Permendang Number 50, it will also regulate the issue of selling goods from abroad. According to him, foreign and domestic goods sold on e-commerce platforms must have the same standards. "Goods from abroad must be treated the same as domestic goods. For example, if it's food, it must have a halal list. If it's beauty products, it must have a POM registration. If not, who will take responsibility? It must have POM permission. If it's electronics, there must be a standard to ensure the authenticity of the product. So, the treatment should be the same as in the country or offline," said Zulkifli.
On the other hand, Zulhas emphasized that social media platforms should not act as producers. The revision of Permendag Number 50/2023 also regulates the minimum transaction for imported goods, which is US$100, approximately Rp1.54 million.
In the revision of the ministerial regulation, a list of permitted imported goods is also regulated. Zulkifli exemplified one item that is not allowed to be imported is batik. "In the past, there was a negative list. Now (positive list) what is allowed, the others are not allowed, will be regulated. For example, batik, made in Indonesia, there are many here," he said.
"Imported goods, said Zulkifli Hasan, will also receive the same treatment as domestic goods. For example, imported food must have halal certification requirements, while for skincare or beauty products, they must have permission from the BPOM RI. "If the goods are electronics, there must be a standard. So, the treatment is the same as those available domestically or offline," he said."
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