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Prayer to be Free from the Snare of Online Loan Debt and Its Negative Impact on Finances and Quality of Life

Prayer to be Free from the Snare of Online Loan Debt and Its Negative Impact on Finances and Quality of Life

Sure! Here's the translation while preserving the HTML tags: "Dream - In this fast-paced digital era, access to financial services is increasingly convenient. One of the services that is becoming more popular is online loans or pinjol. Although it offers quick solutions for urgent financial needs, pinjol also carries serious risks. High interest rates, aggressive collections, and the potential for personal data misuse are some of the dangers that lurk. For many people, falling into pinjol debt can become a nightmare that is hard to overcome."

"For a Muslim, debt is a burden that affects not only financial conditions but also inner peace. In Islam, debts must be settled as soon as possible and should not be neglected."

Prayer for Freedom from Online Loan Debt and Its Negative Impact on Finances and Well-being

Here is the translated text with the HTML tags preserved: "Therefore, when someone faces difficulties in repaying debts, it is important not only to strive physically but also to increase prayers. Prayer is one of the recommended ways in Islam to seek help and ease from Allah SWT. As Muslims, we are taught to always rely on and ask for help from Allah in every difficulty. Specific prayers to ask for abundance in sustenance and ease in repaying debts can serve as additional strength for those struggling to escape the trap of online loans. Here is a prayer reading to be freed from the entanglement of online loan debts as summarized by Dream through various sources."

The translation of

The translation of "Doa agar Bebas dari Utang Pinjol" to English is "Prayer to be Free from Online Loan Debt."

"This prayer was taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to his followers to ask for freedom from the shackles of debt:"

Here is the translation of the provided text while preserving the HTML tags: "Allahumma Rabbas-samawaati as-sab'i wa Rabbal 'Arshil 'Azhiim, Rabbanaa wa Rabbakulli shai-in, faaliqol habbi wan-nawaa wa munzilat-tawrooti wal injiil wal furqoon. A'udhu bika min sharri kulli shai'in anta aakhiru binasaitihi. Allahumma antal awwalu fa laysa qablaka shai'un, wa anta al-akhir fa laysa ba'daka shai'un, wa anta az-zahir fa laysa fawqaka shai'un, wa anta al-baatin fa laysa doonaka shai'un, iqdhif 'anna ad-dain wa aghnina min al-faqr."

Sure! Here is the translated text with HTML tags preserved: "Aʿudzu bika min syarri kulli syai-in anta aakhidzum binaa-shiyatih. Allahummaantal awwalu falaysa qoblaka syai-un wa antal aakhiru falaysa baʿdaka syai-un, wa antazh zhoohiru fa laysa fawqoka syai-un, wa antal baathinu falaysa duunaka syai-un, iqdhi ʿannad-dainaa wa aghninaa minal faqri.
Artinya: “O Allah, Lord of the seven heavens, Lord of the Great Throne, our Lord and the Lord of all things. The Lord who splits the seeds of plants and fruits, the Lord who sent down the Torah, the Gospel, and the Furqan (the Quran).”"

"I seek refuge in You from the evil of everything that You hold by the forelock (all creatures under Allah's power). O Allah, You are the First, there is nothing before You. You are the Last, there is nothing after You. You are the Manifest, there is nothing above You. You are the Hidden, nothing escapes from You. O Allah, we ask You to grant us sufficiency of sustenance to pay off our debts, Your servants, O Allah, and free us from poverty." (HR. Muslim)

Negative Impact of Using Online Loans

Using online loans (pinjol) has several negative impacts that can seriously affect a person's financial life and psychological well-being. Here are some of the main negative impacts:

Negative Impact of Using Online Loans

"1. High Interest Rate"

"Online loans often have very high interest rates compared to loans from traditional financial institutions. This can cause the amount of debt to grow quickly, making it increasingly difficult to pay it off."


"2. High Costs and Fines"

"In addition to high interest rates, online loans (pinjol) often impose various additional fees, such as administrative fees and late payment penalties. This can increase the total amount that needs to be paid."


"3. Aggressive Collection"

Many online loan providers use aggressive collection methods, including contacting the borrower's relatives or coworkers. This can cause significant shame and psychological pressure.

Prayer for Freedom from Online Loan Debt and Its Negative Impact on Finances and Well-being

"4. Abuse of Personal Data"

"In some cases, online lending companies may misuse borrowers' personal data for unwanted collection or marketing purposes. This poses risks to data security and privacy."


"5. Circle of Debt"

"Because of high interest rates and costs, many borrowers are trapped in a debt cycle, where they have to take out new loans to pay off previous loans. This can lead to a continuously increasing debt burden."


"6. Psychological Impact"

"Stress and anxiety due to debt pressure can negatively impact the mental health of borrowers. Constant worry about how to pay off debt can disrupt sleep, concentration, and overall quality of life."

Prayer for Freedom from Online Loan Debt and Its Negative Impact on Finances and Well-being

"7. Financial Loss"

"Taking an online loan without careful consideration can lead to significant financial losses. Borrowers may need to sell valuable assets or take other drastic measures to pay off their debts."


The translation of "8. Reputasi Buruk" to English is "8. Bad Reputation".

"Being entangled in online loan debts and payment issues can have a negative impact on a person's reputation, both in the eyes of friends, family, and in credit records, which can affect the ability to obtain loans in the future."


"9. Legal Action"

"If the debt cannot be settled, some loan companies may take legal action against the borrower. This could result in additional costs and legal pressure."

Prayer for Freedom from Online Loan Debt and Its Negative Impact on Finances and Well-being

"Avoiding the use of online loans, except in truly urgent situations and after considering all risks, is a wise step to maintain financial and psychological health."

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