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"Ship Navigator Reveals 4 Reasons Why Rohingyas Cannot Possibly Sail to Indonesia Using Wooden Boats"

Dream - A sailor who works as a ship navigator argues that the Rohingya who are currently seeking refuge in Aceh cannot possibly sail to Indonesia with a wooden boat. Unless, of course, they are brought by certain individuals. "The Rohingya cannot possibly sail all the way to Indonesia, unless they are brought by someone else," he said in a TikTok video @Rianzale. He explained various reasons that support his opinion.

"Four Reasons"

First, seen from the design of the wooden boat used by the Rohingya, he believes that the boat is not used to cross the ocean.

Empat Alasan

"Because logically thinking about navigation. Meanwhile, my iron ship crosses those oceans and reaches Indonesia, still swaying. Moreover, a wooden ship, even a half-meter wave, might already overturn that ship," he said.

The second reason is that the ship route from Myanmar to Indonesia is the Indian Ocean route. According to him, the Indian Ocean current is quite strong. "Unless you're traveling from Kalimantan to Java, even then, if you can survive with a ship like that," he continued.

The third reason is ship fuel. He said ship fuel is not small, especially with a long journey from Myanmar to Indonesia.

Ship Navigator Reveals 4 Reasons Why Rohingya Cannot Sail to Indonesia Using Wooden Boats

"The fuel weight is highly needed in navigation calculations, with a ship of that size. How many tons of fuel can be loaded? Not to mention the human cargo, let alone the food," he said."

The fourth factor is food. According to him, when Rohingya citizens arrive in Indonesia with plenty of food, fresh fruits, and good vegetables, it is not logical.

Ship Navigator Reveals 4 Reasons Why Rohingya Cannot Sail to Indonesia Using Wooden Boats

"Logically, if the journey from Myanmar to Indonesia takes about a week or two, the food supplies would definitely be spoiled, since it is impossible to have a freezer or a refrigerator," he said. He added that the Rohingya people surely need food.

Ship Navigator Reveals 4 Reasons Why Rohingya Cannot Sail to Indonesia Using Wooden Boats

In conclusion, the man who works on the ship as a navigator reaffirms his personal opinion that it is impossible for Rohingya people to reach Indonesia with that wooden ship. "This is my opinion, my assumption as someone whose job is a navigator on the ship. If there are any mistakes, I apologize," he said.

@rianpotte Berdasarkan dari apa yang saya pelajari sangat sedikit kemungkinan kapal rihingya bisa berlayar ke indonesia dengan muatan dan jenis kapal seperti itu,rohingya itu di bawa oleh orang masuk ke dalam negeri kita #rohingya#rohingyatiktok#rohingyaaceh#rohingyadiaceh#rohingyamalaysia ♬ Bunga Hati Koplo - Cinakeyboard
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